Chapter 2

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"I friggen' hate Tuesdays." Dean rubbed his forehead, sending a glare to Benny. "You seriously called him?"

     "Hey, don't shoot the messenger. Wasn't my call, and you were unconscious." 

     "What can I say, Alfie nearly suffocated me on the way. kid tries a little too hard."

     "You know he's sorry."

     "But he didn't need to go that far. I like personal space." Dean winced as the nurses still fretted over the cut on his leg. Seriously wasn't it clean by now? Then they started messing with the burn on his arm.

     "Speaking of Cas." Benny's head poked out into the hallway.

     "Oh no." He could hear the commotion in the hallway.

     "Let me through, that's my husband in there!"

     "This one's for you, Lieutenant." Benny ducked out.

     "Damnit. Benny!" Dean called after him. "You walk out on me I'll assign you to mop duty for a week!"

     The bastard was still walking out.

     "Then a month!"

     "Side by side these two situations... Dealing with Cas like this isn't in my job description."

      Touche. Smug bastard.

And suddenly Cas was on top of Dean as they wrapped up his leg.

     And before it got too out of hand Dean shut down the worry. "Cas... Cas... Cas!" Finally the man hushed. "I'm alright really. They shouldn't have even called you. It's nothing life-threatening, and the only thing it'll do is get me two days off tops."

     Cas's gaze shifted to the burn on his husband's arm.

     Dean's fingers guided his angel's chin so their eyes met. "It looks worse than it actually is, promise."



     "Then we should probably call Sam." Cas rose his eyebrows.

     This caused Dean to groan. He held out his hand for the phone, having left his in his locker.

     It only rang once. "Cas is he okay? Do you know how bad it is?"

     "He didn't give you that much to work with did he?"

     "Dean?" The elder Winchester ripped the phone away from his ear at the shout. Christ everything hated him today.

     "At least I think so. I'm gonna go deaf if you keep doing that." He muttered. "False alarm. You can get those panties of yours outta a bunch."

    "Jesus Dean. If we keep up like this I'm going to die before you."

     "Let me guess-"

     "From a heart attack." The brothers spoke in unison.

     "Oh, you know Cas. A worrier that one." Dean held up his free arm to defend himself against his husband's backlash. He was already feeling better. That feeling was gone, and this was most likely the worst of what would follow it. He was fine. Cas was fine. And Sam-

     "While I'm talking with you, could we maybe meet up sometime?"

     "For someone who seems to hate spending time with the world's awesomest older brother, you do sure spend a lot of it with me." Dean smiled at the way Cas shook his head. "Need I remind you, you just saw me today. I know I'm awesome, but this is 'give me an award' type of awesome." He could practically see Sam's eye roll.

     "What about tomorrow night, at the Roadhouse? It can be a double date of sorts."

     "Woah look at you," Dean whistled for emphasis. "Hotshot college grad callin' the shots." He shifted the phone as they started to leave. All the medical attention he'd ever want in a week was already given. Now it was just time to go home.

     "Dammit Dean." Yup. Sammy was definitely, utterly done with his shit.

     "I think it sounds great. But you can't keep me out too late Sammster. My bedtime is 7:30."

     "Dean," Sam started to groan, but caught himself. "Rufus is still letting you on the 24 shift?"

     "Yes mom. Hey, it sounded worse than it actually is. Cas and I are walking out to the car now. I'm great at what I do, what can I say Sammy?"

     "A simple yes would suffice."

     "Boring, bitch."

     "Alright, see you tomorrow. Does six sound good?"

     Dean quietly relayed the info to Cas, getting an approving nod. "The angel's in, we got ourselves a fancy dinner date then. See you around Sammy."

     "Later jerk."

Come to find out when Cas dropped Dean off at the station that he had his lunch waiting for him.

Not bad Sam, not bad.


     "Cas it's just dinner." Dean spoke as he pulled on his favorite canvas jacket.

     "Exactly." Was all the answer the blue-eyed man gave as he tightened his tie.

     Dean turned around with a small laugh. "Well, guess I'm not complaining. This could be useful." He took hold of the navy tie, pulling Cas into him. Dean pressed his lips to Cas's. "I'm into the holy tax accountant look."

     "I'm not even an accountant."

     Dean shrugged. "Imagination," he lightly tapped Cas's head. "Goes a long way." 

Wednesday nights were the wildcard nights at the Roadhouse. Sometimes large groups of people trickled in for a mid-week party. Sometimes it was a medium size crowd. Tonight would be one for the latter. Greetings had been done away with, food pre-ordered and served. Sam had even gotten Dean a beer. Now isn't that nice? The next question was, what exactly did that little shit have up his sleeve.

     "We were hoping for something new." Sam made damn sure not to say anything about fancy. "But nowhere would take a reservation so unanticipated." He pushed his empty plate aside.

     "Sam, it's fine. I actually like that we ended up here." Jess smiled, looping her arm around his.

     "I agree with your lovely girlfriend Sammy." Dean finished the last of his and Cas's plate. He made sure to give the girl a joking wink.

     "That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about." Sam's smile dropped. "She's not my girlfriend."

     Dean's hand paused with the napkin at his mouth. "What?"

     At the same time Cas squeaked, "excuse me?"

     Sam's smile was near blinding as he picked up Jess's left hand. "She's not my girlfriend."

     A triumphant laugh escaped Dean's lips. "Sammy boy!" He stood as the couple across from him did as well. Instantly scooping Jess into a hug that lifted her off her feet. "I thought you'd be the one to tame the moose."

     Sam laughed as Cas pulled him into a hug. Dean spinning Jess around, before allowing her feet to touch the hardwood floors once more. Quickly he tugged Sam to him.

     "Congratulations little brother." His smile beamed over to Cas. Hell it felt like just yesterday he'd told Sam he was planning to propose to the artist. Then he pulled Jess in too. Cas slipping his arms around Dean for a big group hug. Chick flick moments be damned. This moment called for it.

So there would be another Winchester added to the misfit clan. Jess was a damn great choice. Cas and Dean left with big grins on their faces. Cas had his arm around Dean as they drove home. Classic rock softly buzzing through the stereo and the motor of the Impala on the way home was the best ending to the night that either could have asked for.

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