One syllable and four letters
It's a simple word holds this world
Enchanted, sometimes
Baffled, at others-
They just can't get enough of it.It's in every smile and every cheer
And every kind gesture there is
Still there's those
Who can't see it
And seek it at every turnThen there's those who've broken away
And decided it doesn't exist
But there's also those
Of that special sort
Who pump it out by the gallonsGurus and artists and preachers and prophets
All teach to seek it out
It's all around
In every shape
Just waiting to be held:In a ray of sunshine or a drop of dew
Sometimes obvious, sometimes obscure
A gentle touch
A cooling breeze
They've all got some of itIt's the stuff that poets' words
Are often centered around
A simple word
Without which this world
Might just cease to existOne syllable, four letters
Even better-Hope
Campfire - And Other Poems
PoetryA collection of poems exploring every emotion this young medic's heart has beat to, and then some. All works are copyright protected - do NOT reproduce or reprint without explicit permission.