First kiss and he asks you to be his girlfriend

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You was going round to harrys for a movie night you dressed in something comfey you grabbed your keys and walked out your house.

When you arrived at harrys ylu knocked on the door and harry quickly answered with a big smile on his face. He greeted you in and you both walked into the living room and sat on the sofa harry said what do you want to watch you said love actully. He got up and placed the movie into the TV. He came and sat back down next to you and you both cuddled upto each other with a blanket around you both.

Adter the mocie had finshed harry said donyou want so popcorn you said yes, he said pick a other movie will be back soon. You quickly got up from the sofa and went to look for a other film you picked the fault in the stars. He came back a couple of minutes later with a bowl full of popcorn. He sat down and put the popcorn inbetween us both.

After the movie had finshed it was 11pm you said harry i better be going now, but before you got up he said (y/n) i need to tell ylu something. You looked up and looked straight in his ehes you literally loved harry but was to scared to admit it because he might not like you back.

He said (y/n) injust come staright out with it a really like you and i was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend. You quickly started to smile and said yes harry i will be your girlfriend you leant in and so did harry and both of you had your first kiss which was very romantic. He said to you please stay its nearly 12 and i dont want anything to happen to you


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