Explanations and Arrests

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"Okay, so does anyone want to explain to me what the hell is going on here?" Wally's voice, by the end of his statement, had reached a pitch Robin thought only dog's could hear. He snickered slightly, trying to cover up his laughing with a coughing fit. Unsuccessfully. His father saved him the dignity of answering the redhead's question.

"Whatever do you mean?" He asked in a perfect imitation of William Wintergreen's British accent. Robin busted up. He even had the forced innocence down! His cackling filled the warehouse and everyone cracked a smile. Even Slade let a snicker escape his previously stoic facade.

The laughing died down when the sound of a police siren reached their ears. The smile slid off his face. Gordon was here.

"Ar trebui să te faci limpede." You should make yourself scarce. The words left Robin's mouth of their own accord. He glanced at his father, who didn't seem in any hurry to leave. At least, not without checking out his shoulder. Slade stepped forward to where Robin was standing and knelt down. He was obviously trying to get as close to Robin's height as he could, even though he still had about 4 inches on the Boy Wonder. He placed his hands on his son's shoulders, being careful to not to hurt Robin's injured one.

"Ești sigur că ești bine?" Are you sure you're okay? He wasn't really sure but he forced a smile.

"Da, sunt bine. Voi verifica cu tine și Wintergreen în seara asta." Yeah, I'm fine. I'll check in with you and Wintergreen tonight. Truthfully, his arm hurt like a bitch and a half but he wasn't going to just outright say that. Slade didn't look convinced but he stood up. Sending his son a concerned glance, he ruffled his son's ebony hair distractedly. Robin hurriedly ran his hands through his hair, working on taming the new mess.

Before he left the warehouse, Slade had one more comment.

"Nói với Paula Slade chào." The comment was directed to Artemis, who's mouth fell open.

In fact, everyone's jaw was pretty much resting on the floor. Just chillin' there, apparently.

The warehouse was silent for a while two seconds.

"Close your mouths, guys. You'll catch flies." Robin forced his voice into a lighthearted tone, smiling at the Team. Just then, the door burst open and Commissioner Gordon ran in, gun drawn. He stopped at the sight.

Robin's foot was on the back of an unconscious Bane, who was currently drooling on the floor. Kid Flash's bone had probably been set wrong. His accelerated healing probably had something to do with that. It had healed wrong. M'gann looked as though she just woke up from a coma, pale and wan. (Don't ask how he knows. It's been a long week.)

He turned towards the police commissioner.

"Evening, Commish." He greeted, giving the older male a two finger salute and his signature smirk. Gordon sighed and holstered his gun, a standard issue Beretta 92.

"Robin." Gordon said. As he walked towards the Boy Wonder, he looked around, noticing the absence of a certain Bat.

"Where's Batman?"

The Boy Wonder tensed at the mention of his mentor, but forcefully relaxed his muscles. If he played his cards right, neither Gordon nor Batman would know what really went down tonight.

So he lied.

"Important League business. He sends his regards." Robin our air quotes around the words 'League business.' Gordon didn't need to know what went down tonight. And neither did Batman.

In reality, Batman was awaiting their mission report at Mt. Justice. But Gordon didn't need to know that.

In reality, it shouldn't be so easy for a thirteen year old to lie right to an adult's face. At least, not as easy as Robin made it look. But Robin was no ordinary thirteen year old.

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