Threats and Interrogations

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"What the shit just happened?" Wally's accusing question was aimed at the young bird. Robin was his best friend, he was practically his little brother. So why was he kept in the dark? Both teenagers had ranted to each other how their mentors had kept them away from a case or didn't tell them the whole story because it was 'too dangerous'. (Robin had actually disobeyed Batman's orders and gotten himself captured buy the Joker, but that was another story) They, along with Roy and Kaldur, had made a pact to always tell each other the truth. No secrets. Robin broke that promise.

That made Wally mad. No, he was furious.

"Well?!" His furious words bounced off the concrete walls of the warehouse. Robin seemed to shrink in on himself, hunching his shoulders so that his cape fell over the slim appendages, so that the rest of his body was hidden from Wally's wrath. Unbeknownst to the speedster, the younger teenager's hands had drifted towards his utility belt, one resting on the pouch that contained his throwing disks, the other resting on his escrima sticks behind his back. Robin wasn't just going to roll over. He wasn't going to go down without a fight.

Wally struggled to his feet, groaning inwardly when he realized that there was no pain emanating from his broken leg. It was still facing the wrong way, which meant that it had healed wrong. He would have to break it again and reset it. His anger sparked and he stumbled forward as best he could with only one good leg. Artemis caught him before he tripped over air. He stabilized himself and pointed an accusing finger at Robin.

"You! You should've told us! You should've told me! Otherwise, I would have-" Wally stumbled over his words as they died in his throat. His jaw fell slack and he paled considerably, making his freckles stand out more than usual. What was he going to say? That he wouldn't have tried to be friends? That he wouldn't trust him? How was he going to finish that sentence?

Apparently, Robin was wondering, too.

He straightened up from his hunched position, eyes narrowed into deadly slits. His lips were pulled back in a snarl, baring his teeth. His fists were clenched at his sides, not holding any weapons. He probably wants the satisfaction of beating him to death with his bare hands.

Robin opened his mouth to say something...

Wally braced himself for the verbal assault that he was inevitably going to endure.

He prepared himself for the insults, for the betrayal, for the threats.

He expected these things.

He wasn't expecting for Artemis to scoff in disgust.

He certainly wasn't expecting the archer to drop him.

Wally yelped as he fell to his knees awkwardly. His bad leg couldn't bend that well so he landed roughly on his good knee. He stifled a groan as gravel dug into his skin, easily poking through the friction-resistant spandex of his suit. He really needed to invest in armor...

He looked up to see an angry bird and an angry archer, side by side.

Artemis' steel gray eyes were narrowed in a deadly glare. Her hands were placed on her hips and her mouth was set in a scowl. Robin had an almost identical look on his face, arms crossed and the whites of his mask were set in deadly slits.

"What are you going to do about it, Wally?" The archer's voice was ice. Wally shivered. She didn't care.

"What would you do if we were all the kids of bad guys? Huh? If you were the only one with non-supervillain blood?"

Wally had no response.

"What if M'gann was Malefic's daughter? What if Kaldur was Black Manta's son? What if Conner was Lex Luthor's son? What if I was Sportsmaster's daughter!?" Artemis' angry words echoed throughout the warehouse. Robin had to work to control his surprise that Artemis so willingly gave away her identity as the daughter of a supervillain. Then again, maybe it was just a ruse to fool the feeble minded. Wally seemed to be buying it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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