4. The Demon within me.

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There's a demon within me
I cannot fight,
She messes with my thoughts and words,
All day and night.

She dwells in the dark
The corners of my mind far beyond my reach,
She sways my judgement,
The author of my speech.

She mocks my choices
And every decision I make,
She's always been there,
On every journey I take.

She drowns me
And then pulls me back up,
Prods at me and pushes,
Keeps me under lockup.

She responds to my name
Follows me everywhere I go,
You've spoken to her,
She's neither friend nor foe.

She whispers secrets so dark
She's no amateur,
Always on the prowl,
It's an eternal war.

Look deep into my eyes
You'll see her,
For no matter how hard I fight,
She always reappears.

She grows with me
The guardian of my secrets,
She knows my strengths,
And every single weakness.

She dictates what I do,
Tell me, do you fight her too?

She's the demon within me
I cannot defeat,
Nor can you,
For she's the master of deceit.

Writer's note:

Hey, fair one.
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Until next time,
Au revoir! 🌸

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