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Cam's POV

Today is my last full day in New York, I leave early tomorrow afternoon for LA. I haven't had much sleep after reading Kirsten's letter last night, I've spent most of the night sitting by the window looking out over the city trying to work out what's best for me.

I got ready and dressed. I put on a green bandeau bra, a black crochet vest top and a green mini skirt along with a black bowler hat and ballet flats.

I decided to head to Atlas for breakfast and coffee before heading to Times Square to do some shopping.

"Hello again, what can I get you today?" the cashier asked me as I walked in.

"Hi, can I please have the granola with yoghurt and without the raisins, and a single Americano thank you." I ordered then handed over the cash.

"Sure. I'll bring that over to you when its ready." The cashier replied.

I sat down at a table outside deciding to draw while I waited. It wasn't long before my food was delivered. I finished eating and started walking to Times Square which was about a 50 minute walk via Broadway which was actually pretty amazing.

I got to Times Square and started looking through the shops and Museum, picking up a few magazines for my flight tomorrow as well as some other things. After spending nearly three hours shopping and looking around, I decided to pick up a juice from Jamba Juice, choosing a tropical green juice. I got my juice, deciding to walk back to my hotel and drop off my shopping then I headed to Little Italy which was only a twenty minute walk.

It was just after 6pm when I got back to my hotel, deciding to get a quick gym session in before spending the night packing and getting ready to leave New York for Los Angeles.

Sorry for the short chapter but its just a filler.

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