Chocolate vs. Milk♰Edward Elric x Reader♰

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You two have been arguing for about 30 minutes of whats gonna buy. Chocolate or Milk?

Of course, The midget hate the taste of milk and likes more of chocolate. And you, you are the opposite of that. You don't hate the taste of chocolate, but rather it Milk. You just love the taste of milk, and how smooth it is inside you mouth.

"This is why you never grew tall! I mean! Seriously! I'm more taller that you!" You shout, attempting to hit his core about his height. Which it worked,

"WHAT'D YOU SAY?! I'D RATHER DRING CHOCO!ATE THAN A NASTY MILK! It doesn't even taste that great!!" He shouted back as he glare at you. You pout, which made his face soften.

"Can we just please buy a milk??" You asked cutely, hoping it would work. Asking cutely Everytime you had an arguiment like this made him just go with your decision, and force himself to drink milk. Ed just want to see your cute smile, bt doesn't want to drink milk. Even if he refuses, you would ask again cutely for him to drink it. And now, he's had enough.

"You a!ways get to choose what ever you want! What about my request?!" He shouted as he look at the side crossing his arms as he huffed.

You sigh, "would it make you happy?" You asked raising your eyebrow as you point at him, he looked at your direction and nodd,

"It would. Why?" He asked, giving you a questioning look. You giggled,

"Then why didn't you say so? You know how I love to see you smile~!" You sang as you pinch his cheeks, which made it go red from embarrassment.

"(Name), stop it. I'm not a kid!" He protest, you cheery smile turn into a smirk.

"Well, your height does!" You tease him as you look down at him, an irk mark appear on his forehead.

"Oh yeah?" He paused as he suddenly grabs your waiste as he pulls you closer to him, "can a kid do this?" He said as he smashed his lips onto yours, you smirk beneath it as he licks for an entrance. Your also a tease so you kept your mouth closed, he grin as he poke on you sensitive tickly part, your waiste. You gasp and giggle but didn't manage as Ed slip in his tounge to play with yours. Ed even mesmerized every inch of your mouth, but he still wants it travel more inside it.

You two broke as you panted for air, a string of sipalive connecting both of your mouth as you playfully glare at him.

"Now, we'll buy chocolate okay?" He asked with a grin, you chuckle as you kiss his cheeks.


۩❦❦Extra Ending❦❦۩

"Augh!! I'm craving for chocolates Winry!!" Avis whined like a child as she bothered Winry while she was doing something. An irk mark appear on Winry's forehead as she quickly grab her wrench and threw it to Avis' head.





"wait. You think so?"

"Yeah, now shut it!"


"Shut it!"

۩❦❦The End❦❦۩

۞FullMetal Alchemist x Reader[One-shot]۞Where stories live. Discover now