Dearly Cute۞Winry x Male!Reader۞

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"Ed! Stop!" A shout can be heard in a distant, you turn your head around to see Ed running away from Winry. Ed spotted and his smirk grew wider.

"(Name)!!" Shout by him, you raised an eyebrow but smile in the process. You look behind him to see Winry as she catch up with Ed. As she did that, she already threw the wrench she's holding. You smiled at her as a greeting, he face quickly lit up as she nervously smile back at you. It made you confuse, what was she embarrassed about?

"Hey Winry! Oh, and Ed. Are you okay?" You said but at the same time asked Ed, Ed gave you a thumbs up as blood was dripping down to his forehead(not really). You shrugged and look back at Winry with a smile, which made more Winry heat up. That smile of yours always made her heart melt.

"Winry are you okay-" you were cut off when Winry covers her face. And for some reason, Ed was already gone in the background.

"I'm okay! Nothing to worry about!" She assured, you smiled at her adorableness as you Pat her head. For her height, you were pretty taller than him. Which made Ed jealous about you height, he would often glare at you whenever you do some Tall Jobs, which made him left out. He wasn't jealous because Winry liked you. It's because he was jealous about your height, if only you could donate you height, you already gave him one.

Winry's POV

He's patting my head! He's patting my head!!

I shout in my mind as my face grew hotter Everytime he gives me a sweet smile. Add to that when he's already patting my head. Oh my god, my head felt so light I'm going dizzy, and my face is burned up fired from embarrassment. Why does Ed have to go with (Name)'s direction???

He knows I like him much that he could just spill the beans and tell him about it!! I wonder what was (Name) thinking right now.

As I look up to him, I was quickly got trapped into those (Eye Color) orbs of his, whenever I get to see those i get lost in a trance, like a spell! What are you doing to me (Name)??

If I keep this up I might blew up. I must tell him how I feel, and I feel like this is the right time. And for some reason, Ed was already out of the background. It's just me...and him! A-Alone!

"U-uhm...(N-Name)??" I stutter out, he hummed...

OMG how I love hearing that deep voice of his!! I'm deeply in love with him, and I can't lie to myself even I tried lying about it. I keep but Everytime that he's with me, I can't help but to fall deeper...and I know how much weird it is because he's my childhood friend!!

"Hmm? What is it, Winry?" He asked, still with the same sweet smile he's giving to me. I opened my mouth but no words came out, my face is red and my head is spinning. I'm so embarrassed, (Name) is like my long time crush! And I'm so embarrassed just by standing in front of him!! AUGH!

I heard him chuckle. Which made me confuse, I look up to him and gave him a confused look.

"W-Why are you laughing?" I asked, and right now I kinda raised my voice at him which made me more redder from the embarrassment. Was he laughing because I looked ridiculous?!

"Are you laughing because I look funny?!" I asked, angrily as he bust out laughing, which made me nervous.

"Oh my god! Winry! Your so adorable!" He said, as my face quickly heat up.

D-did he j-just said I-im cute???!!!!!

"W-what are you talking about?!" I shout still red, he might've have notice but still ignored it.

"It's true! And I love it!" Giving me a smile, again my whole face heat up as steam coming out of my head. I can't take this...this is too much embarrassment for me...

"And I love you..." He said, my face quickly went to see him with a sweet smile. Unavailable to process what he said, I felt a soft sensation on my lips.

As I came to my senses, all I could do was doing what he was doing.



As he pulled apart, I can't help but to wish that he could do it again.

I stand there, all flushed up. Can't talk nor walk, I froze at my spot. He chuckled, "aren't you gonna say something about it?" He said, i snap out of reality as I glare at him as I lightly punch his arm.

"That's not fair! I was suppose to be the one confessing! Not you!!" I said, again he chuckled.

"So I'm guessing that you like me too?" He asked, my face turn red once again as I look away, nodding yes.

He chuckled as I felt strong arms hugging me.

"Glad to know, Winry."

••••°°°Extra Scene°°°•••

"My god! That took him awhile to say it!" Ed sigh in relief, as Al looked at him confused.

"We're you on this too?" Al asked which made Ed looked at him confusing.

"What are you talking about?" Ed said as he lay down on the grassy ground.

"I guess we were both matchmakers." Al said with a giggle following it, Ed more likely looked at he confused.


"Nevermind. Just shut up."

"What?! I'm so confused!!"

•••°°°The End°°°•••

Hope you guys liked it! And I'm sorry I had to do this first! This is the first one came out of my mind so, sorry!

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