Part 2 :- Mistakes

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(Next Day)
3rd person POV

The next day Seokjin woke up,feeling dull and lifeless, he tried so hard to get rid of the memory from the night before the pain, the screams, the words, he lifted his shirt to reveal the nasty looking black-blue bruises on his torso. He sighed and got up, stumbling a bit, and looked around the spacious room only to see his roommate, Yoongi, sleeping like a koala. The time was 7:39AM and Seokjin decided to make breakfast for the boys.

Seokjin didn't want to cook just for the boys that morning, he honestly didn't care anymore, he cooked because it calmed him down, he thought he was good at it...the only thing he could do right. While deep in thought, his mind went back to the night before, the worry of the member's faces, he honestly felt like he was being burdened with him, he thought all the members do is worry about him.
'Why do you have to be such a nuisance!' A voice was heard, Seokjin froze but quickly regained himself and looked around frantically completely forgetting the food, 'why can't you do anything right!' The voice was full on screaming at him now. In fear he started to backup until he hit the counter behind him, knocking all of the glass cups and plates off, making a loud crash. He slid to the floor, eyes watering with the broken glass scattered around him, 'look what you've done! Why can't you do anything right!' the voice paused 'You goddamned mistake...' the voice trailed off, like it was disappearing from his mind, he felt relieved that it was gone but a wave of sadness came over him when he realized that all of it was true, his parents were probably ashamed to have a son like him. Seokjin was done with everything he began to cry quietly while pulling his knees up towards his chest.

His chest felt tight as if he couldn't breathe, realizing this he tried to take deep breaths to calm him down, it didn't work. When it didn't work he started to panic, 'why can't I breathe' he thought. "Hyung are you...HYUNG!" He heard a muffled voice of Jungkook scream, then the other members talking panicky voices "Hyung what's wrong with Jin-Hyung?!" "Was it because I hurt him yesterday?!" "Ahh! He knocked of all the dishes *sigh*" Seokjin couldn't hear what was happening around him properly all he could do is make up a few words, and even worse the voices came back. He started to sob louder "Yoongi-Hyung! Look what you did!!" "What?! I have to buy more now" "well you don't think Namjoon-" Yoongi and Hoseok continued to argue while Namjoon kneeled by Seokjin to try and comfort him through the panic attack "Jin-Hyung what's got you like this?" He asked in a calm voice despite the panicked aura in the kitchen, Seokjin leaned onto the leader "I didn't m-mean t-to" he tried to speak as his head fell onto the leader's shoulder "The dishes? I break them all the time don't worry about it, Yoongi-Hyung will have to pay for it" he snickered making Seokjin smile, not only because of Namjoon but because at the star of their little conversation the voices disappeared, he passed out soon after, but heard a voice say "we love you Hyung!" And another say 'you won't escape me'

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