Part 6 :- Hell's cavern

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SMALL A/N : this chapter may contain implications of abuse both physical and sexual along with verbal abuse.    

Read at your own risk

"We wouldn't want the others to know of your dirty acts now would you"

Those words kept circling throughout Seokjin's mind as he made his way up to his office. Seokjin hated going to his office especially alone, he hated the way that that he would look at him, the way that he would touch him, the way he would smile when he breaks Seokjin's layers like a set of dominoes. He stopped as he made his way up the stairs hoping to delay his time at the slightest minute or second dreading every step he takes closer and closer to the door that make him crumble into his anxiety until he's standing right outside of the door. Seokjin stares at the door for a few seconds before he raised a very shaky hand and knocked on the door hearing the Hesitance if his demeanor with every knock.

"Come in" a voice called from the other side of the door. Seokjin breathes, and slowly opens the door poking his head inside "Hyung-nim..." he said softly, making the man look up towards him and as they meet eyes a scowl reaches the man's feature. "Get in here" the man said roughly glaring at Seokjin as he carefully entered and sat at a seat, "do you know what time it is? Do you know how late it is?" The man said in a low voice "Hyung-nim it's o-only five minutes-"
Seokjin was cut off by a loud slam on the desk, startled as the man slammed his sweaty palms onto the desk separating them and stands up "I don't CARE if you're late by only five minutes you pathetic cow!" He yells as he makes his way around the table towards Jin's figure "I said be here at twelve SO YOU ARE TO BE HERE AT TWELVE" he continued as he raised his hand ready to slap Seokjin and strike it onto the poor boy's face didn't. The man sighed as he lowered his hand staring at Seokjin's wide eyes filled with fear, smirking and walking to the other side of the room.

Seokjin stared wide-eyed at the wall as the man moved past him, feeling his heart beating in his ears as fear consumed him when a cup of water along was dropped infront of him and the man returning to his original seat "so Jin..." the man started "we have somethings to discuss about your schedule" he said as he shuffled through the papers infront of him "you're slacking off as I see so I'm going to update your schedule" he said as he handed Seokjin a pice of paper that was accepted into Seokjin's shivering hands "you would now have dance practice for thirteen hours per day plus five hours for exercising since you clearly can't preform as well as the others, not to mention your disgustingly fat face" he scowled as he said that looking directly at Seokjin who put his head down out of shame "and another three hours for your vocals as it seems that your going through puberty again" Seokjin nodded afraid to fight back. The lack of response made the man smile at his victim, "that's about it for your schedule, Jin why don't you drink your water?" He said with an all too sweet smile. Seokjin didn't move.
"Ya" the man called making Seokjin look up at him "do you think that you are too good for the water I gave you?" Seokjin meekly shook his head no, " then drink the dammed water!" he said as his voice raised in anger, Seokjin acted fast and drank the water ignoring the slight bitter taste it had and set the cup down in a hurry. The man smirked as he stared at Seokjin, silence surrounding the tight office with both persons staring at each other.

The man laughed a sick and senseless laugh and he watched Seokjin as he stared to sweat just by sitting, as his eyes became distorted and distant and as Seokjin stood only to fall onto the floor with heavy breaths suddenly knowing what happened. The man drugged Seokjin. "You don't think that I wouldn't take precautions? Would you?" The man laughed as he kneeled next to Seokjin's form on the floor, cupping Jin's face rough making Seokjin look at the horrid man, "Did you forget that you're my little puppet?" He said as he lifted Seokjin by his hair slamming his face onto the floor beneath him "Did you forget that you're mine to control?" The man yelled into Seokjin's face. He then came close to Jin's face and whispered "did you forget that you're mine to 'play' with when I get bored?"

Seokjin just looked at the ceiling as the man flipped him onto his back and unable to do anything, Seokjin let the man do as he wanted as small tears left his beautiful eyes looking on and praying that he can escape the current hell he's in now.

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