Part 4 :- The Argument

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After that incident Seokjin kept quiet. With the acceptance of when someone is talking to him he would talk back in limited in speech, as if he was setting a limit onto himself. The members of BTS noticed the lack of speech from their hyung but decided not to speak up or confront him about their worries.

Except Yoongi

Yoongi was raging at the thought of what Seokjin was doing to himself.

It was a quiet morning in the BTS dorm, so quiet that you can hear a pin drop. Why? Because of Bangtan's sky rocketing career in music, all of the members' schedules were packed daily.

Today was a lucky day, for Yoongi at least, Seokjin and himself were alone at the dorm today, for some reason, Yoongi and Seokjin's schedules were clear. Seokjin was a different story, right now he wishing that he had his packed schedule, working himself to the bone and trying to better himself, he dreaded that he had to stay home and do nothing. With all these thoughts clouding Seokjin's head, he decided that he had enough of it for the morning, he got off of his bed and went to the kitchen to calm himself down, not bothering to take his time thus causing a wild Yoongi and his somewhat tamed bed hair to rise from his slumber.

When Seokjin began chopping the vegetables he had laid out, he couldn't help as a small smile graced his beautiful features at the silence he heard, no screaming, laughing or arguing was heard through the dorm and what he was most happy about his voice was gone done messing with him, he was truly happy, until the majestic Yoongi, in all his glory, came into the kitchen. "Hyung can't you be quieter when you leave the bedroom?" The majestic creature known as Yoongi spoke, Seokjin ignored him as his once beautiful smile was erased almost immediately by a sound interrupting his peaceful bliss. Yoongi waited before continuing to speak "Uh...Hyung? You listening?" He asked as he leaned onto the doorframe, Seokjin turned his head slightly towards the younger signaling that he was, indeed, listening but his eyes were still trained onto the vegetables that he was currently slicing, Yoongi thought for a bit and decided that now was the perfect time to confront Seokjin on his recent behavior "Hyung I have a question?" he asked calmly, trying to take rational approach to the situation, Yoongi continued "It's just that recently you've been very...reserved, are you okay?" All Yoongi got was a quick nod of Seokjin's head. Seokjin turned his head completely forward and continued to dice a carrot that he had previously cut, Yoongi got a bit annoyed at the short answer he got, he sighed and continued talking "Hyung it's obvious that something is wrong, are you still mad about what we did to Kook? We're all fine now, he said that he forgave us just so you know" Yoongi said walking up behind his hyung, Seokjin didn't even react to what Yoongi said, not caring in the slightest of ways of what the younger said to him.

Yoongi just stared at Seokjin, hoping that his hyung was joking with him, "Dammit Seokjin, am I talking to a fucking brick wall or something?" He said in an angry tone, but continued on as the elder continued chopping his vegetables "Why the absolute fuck are you not talking to anyone?" Yoongi said as his patience began to wear thin "Are you fucking listening to me?" He asked in disbelief. Seokjin sighed and stopped cutting his vegetables and turned around only to be met with Yoongi's eyes watching his every movement, with a sigh Seokjin spoke in a raspy, unused voice "Yoongi I'm sorry that I haven't been talking to you" "is this the only way to get you to talk to me?!" Yoongi yelled in Seokjin's face "Do you not see that I'm angry because you've been ignoring all of us?!" Yoongi yelled "Yoongi I'm sorry that I haven't been talking to any of you" Seokjin said in a flat tone, then he moved away from Yoongi to put a pot of water onto a lit stovetop. Yoongi got full blown angry at the response he got "Don't you fucking care?!" He asked as tears started to puddle in his eyes "Don't you care about how you are affecting us? What did we do? I already told you we made up with Jungkook and he's fine" Yoongi said, his voice breaking at every possible moment "Please just stop acting like a robot" he said in a hushed tone as his tears began leaking out of his eyes "Please just, please" he whispered as a small sob came out of his mouth "dammit" Yoongi said to himself as he began to aggressively wipe his eyes with the sleeve of his sweater.

Suddenly a low voice was heard "Yoongi" it caught that person's attention immediately "I'm just stressed because of the schedules, don't worry yourself" it was a partial lie Seokjin did despise one part of the schedule "Hyung we all are stressed about the schedule, even Jungkook and you know how tolerant he is towards the schedules" Yoongi answered immediately "Yoongi people will react differently to certain situations" Seokjin didn't let the younger continue "You are yelling at me because I am being serious towards my work" "Hyung we all know how the schedules are, we are all stressed  but we aren't acting like how you are acting" Yoongi tried to make a point "As I say again Yoongi, people will react differently to certain situations, this is just how I act towards this" Seokjin said in an emotionless voice "Hyung-" Yoongi was cut in off "If you are done bothering me, I must ask you to leave" Yoongi stared dumbly at Seokjin. Yoongi looked at Seokjin, "Fine" Yoongi said as his face twisted in anger  "Fine! I try to help you and I get this" Yoongi said gesturing towards Seokjin, Yoongi sighed and continued in a soft unsure voice "Just-I'm here to talk" he said before he walked out of the room clutching his elbows.

After Yoongi left Seokjin just stared with the wall infront of him 'Look what you did' his voice said 'You just couldn't keep your pathetic mouth shut like how you did for me' it continued, teasing him in every way possible.
Seokjin looked around the kitchen until his eyes landed on the lit counter top, hoping for that same reliable feeling, Seokjin slowly pulled his sleeve up.

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