Chapter 7: Goodbye kisses

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The grass was bright green as the butterflies that fluttered around us along with inside my stomach felt warm and fuzzy. I lift my finger as a beautiful pink and gold one fly down landing on my fingertips. its body was fluffy and its legs were slender and hairless. the wings of the amazing insect were gorgeous. it was as if they were covered in gold lustre dust and rose petals as so were the others. I saw them fly around inside my stomach as the hand behind me got tighter and my cheeks became red with embarrassment as they blushed.

I looked behind me at the handsome face that I couldn't unfortunately see. I knew in my heart it was Scott but the short locks of blond hair that he somehow got in the span of a few hours threw me off. it was long on the top and a buzz cut on the sides... but I didn't mind. I lift my hand as glide it across his face lying down more comfortably in his warm arms. he cradled me in his lap just like a baby while his cheeks turned light pink just like last night.

suddenly, the bright blue sky was painted over with grey clouds and dark patches of storm clouds and wind. rain started to heavily fall over us, smearing the blush off his cheeks. they rained down his face and splashed on me making my heart drop. Scott floated away and I was left in a dark room alone. like a tv set, again like the other night. through my dream, I began to realize where I was. the same place in my last dream. I knew it all felt familiar.

suddenly, I felt a spike behind my back and an evil chuckle. four to be exact. one after the other the man behind me chuckled and made my heart race as I saw in front of me the set like dream with Emilia dead in the bath. the water was red and murky the lights were broken and flashing and now her face was filled with red tears that still managed to drip from her lifeless eyes.

"it will be all over soon" the man behind me whispered and at that point, I knew it was gale. my biological father, but when I looked behind me I saw Scott, but in my heart, I knew it wasn't him but just a mask. with my eyes, I saw the nice and sweet blond-headed boy but in my mind, I could see right through the layer of fakeness put on by my brain and saw the grey blond hair of my father. his crystal grey-blue eyes that were filled with sadness and rage. it brought my lungs crashing down.

I turn back around and as if on a conveyer belt I start to move to the side to the next scene.

the lights were all out except for one. when it turned on I saw my father, with a smeared and melting face bends down in the dirt, behind him on the stage was the house that I fell over in front of but it was painted on as the background of the set.

he picks up my phone and takes the cover off growling at the sigh, holograms as people started to walk past him, their faces were all grey but their clothes were either school uniforms, brown suits or red flowing dresses. he throws my earphones to the ground with the case before shoving my phone in his pocket and walking off the stage. it goes black once more with only one light on in the background.

suddenly it turns on again but the scene was very different. the walls were grey and looked like metal walls, like a big shed or garage. my vision kept zooming in and out as I become the character in the next scene or a person in the audience before my mind made a proper decision and choose to sit me in the audience the tip of the knife still pressing up to my back. I watched the show intrigued as Scott started to appear on the stage, but he wasn't standing or sitting, but he was lying on the floor in a pool of blood. suddenly I shot beside him, my hand was covered in blood as it rested on his chest

"no no no no no" I cried to him but all he did was smile at me. as if he knew his fate. he was dying. wet drops appear on my face and I feel my dream-self wipe them away.

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