The ugly twin a note (2021 update!)

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Hi guys! Welcome to a welcoming chapter for the ugly twin!

You maybe wondering, why put this at the start of a book of its not a prologue or a little about their past well that's because this is a warning.

In fact a trigger warning.

If you don't know what a trigger warning is, it basically a warning letting you know that sensitive topics are talking about in this book. Eg, selfharm.

I would rather spoil a little of the book then end up hurting some.

Also no, no will actually be 'cutting' in the book. Its just past thoughts, scars and talking about other people have hurt themselves.

If you are sensitive to that please don't read or maybe dm and I'll tell you which chapters the topic is in the you'll be aware!

Second thing is, this book talks about an abusive past.

A very traumatic abusive past.

Now I'm not the best writer so its not that graphic but I think just the though of what the girls have been through gives me the chills.

So if you are sensitive to abuse and things around that category, please again be weary.

The last thing is, if you have any questions to me or my book your more than welcome to dm me!

If you want to do a feedback swap for eg, you read my book give me a feedback and I read one of your books and give you feed back I am up for it! Also if you spam my book with votes I'll be happy to spam yours!
(Just dm me first so I know)

I hope you all enjoy my book and to anyone who is going through selfharm, know I love you and you deserve to be here! Whatever your going through will pass! Just have hope its had most days but look for something your grateful for even when your having a shitty day! I found this to help myself!

To anyone who is going through an abusive situation, its not your fault! And please seek help, even just letting your neighbour or a school teacher/ work college know could make a huge difference and if you can't call the police yourself ask someone else to do it for you

Stay safe!
I love you all!


2021 note-

Hi! So for some reason more and more people have been reading my book! Which is so cool and I thank you all!! And I also thank you for bringing it to my attention that I need to edit my chapters for grammar checks and such!

Since more and more people are reading, I guess I shall do that for yall, cause I dont want yall to he reading no janky book. Ok bye

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