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My annoying as hell ringtone pierced my ears. I grabbed my phone, tossed it on my bed and covered it with a pillow. I'm trying to sleep here. Ugh. It's ringing again. Fuck!

I answered the call, turned the speaker on, dropped the phone and tried to drift away back to sleep.

"Aubrey is going to kill you, do you realise that??" There goes Noah scolding me.

"Finally, let her, take me out of my misery." I smiled just thinking about it.

"Ha ha very funny. Get your ass over here, you're an hour late. I'm not gonna cover for you."

"Buy Noahh..." He ended the call before I could say anything.

I stayed in bed for about twenty more minutes, thinking about is it worth it to go to work or not.
It's not.

I finally forced myself to get up. I showered, dressed up, got my make up done.

In total I'm about two hours late.
Eh, it's fine. It's not like Aubrey is gonna be nice to me even if I get there on time.

Time to walk the walk of shame. More like the walk of I don't care.

"Good morning honey!" I skipped past her swinging my bag with a giant smile.

She completely ignored me even though I can feel the rage that's inside of her.

Noah is making drinks at the bar, he doesn't look happy.

"I'm so sowwy Noah, pwease forgive me?" I hugged Noah and apologized in the most annoying soft voice I could.

Noahs lips instantly curled up and he's smiling again. "Okay finee, you're forgiven."

"Yay, you're too easy Noah, but that's why we love you." I smiled making my way to the coffee machine.

Thursdays get more crowded. More people dinning, drinking, talking bussines, going on dates.

A few hours left till closing seemed ages to me untill the doors open and Mr. Walsh walked in. He scoped the room. Aubrey jumping in front of him with her fake smile chatting him up.

I got called to mix up two Peach Daiquiries for this elderly couple at the bar.

I lost sight of Mr.Walsh.

They won't shut up. Asking me about their trip choices. I'm fake smiling and laughing, agreeing and telling them whatever they want to hear. It's not hard, but it get's on my nerves fast. They asked for refils.

I turned aroung fake giggling and reached for the rum. And there he is.
Mr.Walsh sitting at the very end of the bar, silently waiting.
I fixed up two more Daiquiries and slid them over to the elders.

"Well well well, look who's here." I walked over to Mr.Walsh smirking.

"I'm here, as promised. I warned you I wanted to hang out."

"Well I don't want to rain on your parade mister, but I have to work." I pouted dramticaly.

"It's cool. We can just hang here. I'll order something and we can chat." He beamed up a smile.

"What would you like Mr.Walsh?"

"A vanilla milkshake, please."

"Vanilla it is Mr.Walsh." I turned around and started looking for the ice cream.

"What's your preference, Ms. Hunt?"

"Oh, well I do enjoy vanilla, but I'm more of a chocolate fan, Mr.Walsh." I winked before turning the blender on.

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