Dear Diary.

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Hello, my name is Katrina. I am just out of my first year of high school when i fall in love. But the thing is, we are so fare apart. How will this love work? Well, let me tell you about it.

Dear diary<

My whole name is Katrina Love. Yes that is my actual name. I am 15 and I am just starting my second year of high school. But, my story of love does not start here. It starts right before winter break. It was the last week of school, I was trying to get my parents to let me stay home, but they would not budge. so i went to school. It was Monday. It was Monday. As I step on the bus those morning I see Zac, the guy that normally sits way in the back, all the way at the front where i sit. I was going to just take the second set behind him, but he grabs my arm and says to me "You can sit with me, I don't mind." I hesitate. But I sit down with him. i have talked to him before, but it was only a little "Hi" or "Sup". i have never carried out a full on conversation with him. And now a week before school ends he wants to sit with me on the bus? Zac is a popular guy in my school. He has a LOT of friends. Me I have about 20 maybe 30. He is REALLY cute. I am a little flustered while we ride to the school. My friend Alexus get on right after me, we usually sit together, but we cant today. She sit beside us. She texts me and it says "???" I look at my phone, and then reply "IDK". She then replys "well, talk to him!!! I know you like him." i reply, "No I don't." then she sends me 8 texts saying "Yes u do." I flip her off.

Just as I do this the bus takes a really hard left turn. I lean really fare to my right, and on to Zac. I am there for just a few seconds, but he make his move, or at least that is what it was to me. his arm is over my shoulder, and i am now sitting closer to him. I am still slightly leaning to my right. I look up at his face, and into his beautiful green eyes.

He looks down at me and says " You look cold." Which i was. He starts to rub up and down my left arm. It makes me feel worm.

Alexus texts me, but i don't look at it.

"Why do you have such a thin coat on? Here," he throws his letter men jacket over my shoulder, "you will freeze to death."

"My thick jacket is at home, my little brother got sick on it this morning."

"Well, you can keep that until the end of the day."

"What are you going to do?" he lets me go and i can finely sit up.

"I have another jacket in my locker. I will be fine. Just make sure to stay worm."

"I will, and thanks."

I am so confused, I don't know what to do. We pull up to the school and me and Zac are the first ones off the bus. I am going to stand and wait for Alexus. And Zac is waiting as well.

"You should go in. Its cold and I have your jacket."

"I am going to wait for you"

He takes my bag out of my hand and says' "Here I will hold these for you so you can put the jacket on properly."

So i do, "Thanks again."

What is taking Alexus so long? I wish she would hurry. she finely get off the bus. She runs straight to me and hugs and kiss me, on the lips, Zac blushes and I do to. it is normal for me and Alexus to do this, we have known each other ever since 1st grade. So I start to walk to the building, Alexus and Zac in toe.

Zac runs ahead to Greg, his best friend, and they do a weird hand shake. Me and Alexus are going to go to the gym locker room, where we always head in the morning. When we go to pass Zac, he touches my arm. I pause.

" Will you be riding the bus home?" Greg looks at me weird, then realizes I am wearing Zac's jacket.

"Yes, I am riding the bus."

"Ok, see you around."

As we walk away I can here Greg ask Zac why i am wearing his jacket.

"Don't worry about it." that's all Zac says.

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