Part six

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Dear diary,

I go to open the door to let Zac in. just as my hand is about to touch the lock and then I hear Marry. She lives 2 houses down from me.

Marry: “Hey Zac, what are you doing here?”

Zac: “I was coming to see Katrina. You what are you doing out today?”

Marry: “Oh I was in my front yard and I saw you. I thought I would came over and see what you were doing down this way.”

I had enough of her. I opened the door, with a fake smile on my face.

Me: “Hey Zac, hey Marry.” I give her a little wave.

Marry: “Hello Katrina.” She also gives a fake smile. “So, what are the two of you doing?”

Me: “We have…” Zac cuts me off again.

Zac: “I was going to spend some time with my girlfriend.” He takes a step forward to me and kisses me. Marry turns and looks away. Zac and I part and he turns to look at marry. “We’ll see you around.”

Marry: “Ok, see you around.”

I shut the door and Zac looks at me weird. “What’s the matter?”

Zac: “I called you my girlfriend.” He wipes his face with his hands and then grabs mine. “I should have asked you first. I’m sorry.”

Me: “It’s fine,” I am blushing, “I don’t mind.”

I lead him to the living room and we sit on the couch.

Me: “So, what do you want to do?”

He gets closer to me and pulls me on to his lap. “I just want to sit here with you in my arms.” He kisses me again, this time it has so much more passion than any of the others. There is another knock on the door. We sit there for a minute longer before I go to the door. Zac follows and stand behinds me at the door. I stand on my tippy toes to see who it is out the peep hole. It’s Greg.

Zac: “Who is it?” He’s whispering

Me: “It’s Greg.”

Zac: “Why is he here?”

Me: “I don’t know.” I open the door. He looks past me and at Zac.

Greg: “I need to talk to you. NOW.”

Zac: “Dude what’s the matter?

Greg: “We just have to talk.”

Zac: “Ok.” He looks at me and says. “I will be back in a minute.” He leans down and kisses me before he leaves. They talk at the end of the drive way.

I watch out the window where you can’t see me from outside. Every few second Greg points or waves his hands at the house.  I know he is blasting Zac for liking the nerdy girl. But Zac is getting angry. Is he standing up for me? I would hope so. He is awesome. And I really like him. Zac walks away and comes back in.

Me: “What was that all about?”

Zac: “Oh, it was nothing. Just something stupid.”

Me: “Ok, you look angry are you ok?”

Zac: “Yes, I am fine.” He hugs me and gives me another kiss. The fill of his body against mine is amazing. I don’t want him to let me go. Our lips part.

We are both blushing. But we don’t care, we are locked in another kiss. We just stand there, locked in this embrace. Neither of us wants to let the other go. We start to move to the couch.

In no time I am lying flat on my back with Zac on top of me. He is not trying any. His hands are on my waist. He’s not trying to put them under my shirt or anything. We’re just laying here in each other’s embrace. It was perfect.

We stayed like that for a while. We finely got up when my mom called the home phone. We are reluctant to move. Bur I finely get up and get the phone.

Me: “Hello?”

Mom: “Hey sweet heart. I called to let you know that I am going to be gone another couple hours. Manny is at grandmas. Will you be ok for a little while?”

Me: “Yes mom I will be fine. I will see you when you get home.”

Mom: “Ok, bye, love you.”

Me: “Love you to mom. Bye.” I hang up the phone and turn to see Zac right behind me. He must have snuck up behind me. I jump at the sight of him. Then I laugh.

Zac: “I was not trying to scare you. Was that your mom?”

Me: “Yes, she said she would be one a couple more hours and wanted to see if I did not mind.”

Zac: “It’s ok, I am here with you, I want let anything happen to you.” He gives me a tight hug.

We go to walk back to the living room and my knees give out on me. I am weak from lack of sleep. I hit my head hard on the floor.

Me: “Ouch.”

Zac: “Are you ok?”

Me: “No, I hit my head pretty hard.”

Zac: “Here, let’s go to your room so you can lie down.” I go to get up but then I feel him picking me up. He is carrying me bridal style.

Me: “What are you doing?”

Zac: “I am going to carry you up to your room, like your prince in shining armor.”

Me: “Awe that is so sweet.”

He carries me all the way up to my room. He lays me on my bad and runs to get me some ice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2014 ⏰

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