Part five

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Dear diary,

I waited a while before I texted him. It was late, around midnight. I had just got out of the shower and had nothing else to do.

My message: "Hey, it's Katrina, u still up?"

His reply: "Yeah, don't you have school tomorrow?"

Me: "Yes, but I slept a lot earlier today. I can't sleep."

Zac: "Have you really tried?"

Me: "No, not really."

Zac: "You need to try."

Me: "Or I just need a joint."

Zac: "Haha, I did not know you smoked."

Me: "I don't tell a lot of people."

My phone goes dead. Shit, fuck my life. I get his text in the morning.

Zac: "I am board. Do you want to call and talk on the phone?"

It is now Wednesday morning. I really don't want to go to school. I did not sleep very well last night.

I call mom into my room after I hear her messing around.


She opens my door, "Yes sweet heart?"

"I don't feel good."

She walks up to me and puts her hand on my forehead. "You feel like you have a slight fever. You are staying home to day."

"Ok mom."

"I will bring you some water. And something to eat."

I sit up in the bed. Zac's jacket is still at the bottom of my bad. I grab it and put it on because I feel like I am freezing. I smell it, it smell so good. I feel like he is giving me a hug when I have it on.

Mom walks in a few minutes later with a tray. "Here sweet heart, I brought you ice water, a soda, eggs and beacon."

"Mom, you did not have to do all this for me."

"Oh I made a big breakfast for everyone this morning any way." She must have a day off. "I have to take Manny to the doctor today. Will you be ok here by yourself?"

"Yes mama, I will be fine. What time is the appointment?"

"It is in about an hour. Your father is leaving in a few minutes. I will send him up to say good bye."

"Ok mom."

About four minutes later dad came in. "Hey, how's daddy's little girl?"

"I have been better." He kisses my cheek and gives me a hug.

"Now," he sits on the side of my bed, "what is this I hear about some boy coming to see you?"

"Oh, yeah, I knew you'd come asking questions sooner or later." I smile at him and give a giggle. He smiles back. "Well, my friend Zac came to see my last night."

"Is that his jacket you have on?"

"Yes it is." I tack and wrap it around me a little tighter.

"Well, what kind of friend is he?"

"He is,... um. He is more than a friend. But, I really can't tell you right now dad."

"Well, when you figure it out let me know."

"I will dad. Have a good day at work. And be careful."

"I will sweetheart." And with that he is gone.

I look at my phone. And that is when I see Zac's message. Oh, this is just great, now he thinks I don't want to talk to him. I put my phone down on the bed and roll over. My phone goes off and I look at it. It's Zac.

Zac: "You fell asleep on me last night."

Me: "No, my phone went dead. Sorry."

Zac: "It's ok. I don't hate you for it." I fell calm now.

Zac again: "Did you get any sleep last night?"

Me: "No, not really. I am not felling so good this morning."

Zac: "Are you going to school?"

Me: "No."

Zac: "Can I come over today? My mom is at the hospital. She had to go back, she had an infection."

Me: "I am sorry to hear that about your mom. And you can come over if you want."

Zac: "Ok, what time is good?"

Me: "Any time is good with me."

Zac: "Ok, I will be there in about an hour."

Me: "Ok, see you then."

Ok, I have about 45 minutes to an hour to get ready.

I get up and I think of all the things I have to do before he gets here.

1. brush my hair

2. brush my teeth

3. find good clothes

Well, that is not a lot, I tell myself.

So, number one brush my hair. Easy. Done.

Number two brush my teeth. Easy. Done.

Number three find some good clothes. Not easy.

I open up my closet and start my search. I look at all my shorts. Not wearing shorts. It's still a little cold in the house. Skinny jeans. Yes, skinny jeans. Now what color? Well that depends on my shirt.

So I start to look at my shirts. I am going to wear a halter top. Well, I said no to short because it was cold, so I change my mind. I get this furry black sweeter that is really soft and worm. Yes that is the perfect shirt. Too bad it took me 45 minutes to pick this out. So I grab a pair of sparkly skinny jeans and put them on.

I go down stair to wait for Zac. I turn the TV on and watch cartoons.

About 10 minutes later I hear I knock at the door. I make sure I look presentable before going to the door. I stand on my tippy toes to look out the peep hole on the door. Zac is on the other side.

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