Chapter 2

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Sierra's POV

"Sierra Nicole Hemmings! Get up! Your Uncle Michael is coming to pick you up to take you and everyone else to school!" My dad yelled from downstairs.

"How much time do I have?" I yelled back, rolling out of bed.

"He is coming in 30 minutes." He yelled.

(See when most people hear that I am the daughter of someone famous, they think that it is all glitz and glam or something. But no, I still have to go to school and everything. Except more attention. Just because my dad and 3 of his friends are famous, now everyone wants to be my friend.)

Anyways, I ran around the house like a chicken with no head trying to look for my stuff.

*30 min. later*

My uncle Mickey honked the car horn. I grabbed my stuff, said goodbye to my parents and bolted out of the house.

I got into the car and was greeted by my 2 best friends.

"Geez Sierra what took so long?" My friend Zach Irwin said with a smirk.

"So-rry. You seemed to have forgotten that I am a girl and it takes longer to get ready." I said back.

My 2 best friends are Zach Irwin and Daniel Clifford. They are the only people who understand what it is like to be the kid of a famous person. Their dads are in the same band as my dad. They are also the only ones who don't bug me 24/7 about wanting a signed picture from my dad for their mom.

We arrived at Wilmington High School in sunny Sydney, Australia. As soon as we got their, girls swarmed us trying to get a look at Zach and Daniel. And those same girls were giving me dirty looks.

After we fought our way through the crowd of students, we got to our lockers. Not so coincidentally, our lockers are next to each other.

"Hey Zach, hey Daniel." Said Regina and Chelsea, 2 of the most popular girls in school.

I fake gagged and they both gave me dirty laughed and I just smirked at them.

"Ugh what are you doing here?" Regina asked me with a disgusted look on her face.

"Oh sorry I forgot I have to speak slowly to you. I. Am. At. My. Locker." I said, my voice oozing with sarcasm and annoyance.

She hissed at me. "You better watch yourself Hemmings. Or you'll be sorry."

"Hey down kitty. Geez it's called sarcasm read a book?" I said smirking at her. You could say that I like to piss her off.

She just scoffed at me and walked away with Chelsea while winking at Zach and Daniel.

After they walked away, we got our stuff and went to our classes. I had Science with Zach. And Daniel went to American History.


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