Chapter 5

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After school, I walked with Zach to his house. When we got there, we were greeted by his dad/ my uncle Ash and my aunt/ his mom Meredyth.

"Hi Sierra how's it going?" My Uncle Ash said smiling.

"Good." I said back returning his smile.

"Hey Sierra." Said my Aunt Meredyth. I said hi back.

"Remind your dad about our plans." Uncle Ash said.

"Ok I will." I said.

We header up to Zach's room to chill.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Uncle Ash said smirking so you could see his dimples.

"Daad!" Zach whined. I just snickered.

"I'm just messing with you." He said.

Zach just rolled his eyes and we headed upstairs.

I stood by the doorway looking around his room.

"Like what you see?" I look towards Zach startled.

"It's just that I haven't been in here in a long time."

"Yeah. We should hang out more." He said smiling. I'm pretty sure I was blushing.

Curse him inheriting dimples from his dad. I thought.

We hung out for a while until it was time for me to leave. I left around 6:15 so that I had time to get ready.

I got home and went straight upstairs to get ready.

"Where are you in such a hurry missy?" My dad questioned.

"I am going to hang out with Daniel."

"Daniel? Daniel who?" My dad asked. Being his usual overprotected self.

"Daniel Clifford. Uncle Mikey's son. Who you've met a thousand times Dad."

"Ok no need to sass me."

"Sorry dad."

"It's ok. Have fun and be back by 10."

"Ok dad."

45 minutes later-

Knock knock knock.

I opened the door to find Daniel standing there in a blue bottom-down shirt and khakis.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Sure where are we going?"

"I was thinking we could go get ice cream and then we could go back to my house."

"Ok sounds like a plan."

We walked to the local ice cream shop in town.

I got a vanilla-chocolate swirl cone and Daniel got cotton candy.

We walked and talked while we ate our ice cream. After we finished our ice cream, we walked for about 10 minutes until we reached his house.

He opened the door and let me go first. To my surprise, the house was quiet.

"Where are your parents?" I asked.

"My mom and dad went out for date night. Come on let's go upstairs."

"Ok." I followed him upstairs to his room where had started to spread some bottles of hair dye on his bed.

"Ok. You can help me pick out a color and help me put it in my hair. Please?"

"Uh sure but won't you get in trouble for dying your hair."

He chuckled. "No. My dad used to dye his hair all the time when he was a teenager."

"Oh ok I'll help you."

"Great! What color should I dye it? Red, purple, green or blue?"

"IDK whatever you want to."

"I'll do green cause it will look cool."

About half an hour later, his hair was bright green instead of his usual brown hair.

"What do you think?"

"Looks good."

"Daniel? Are you home?" I heard from downstairs.

"Yea dad I'm upstairs."

We heard heavy footsteps coming up the steps.

"Oh hi Sierra. I didn't know you'd be coming over." He said smiling at me. Then turning to Daniel, he said,

"Nice hair Daniel. I dyed my hair green once."

"Really? When?"

"When I was 18. All the ladies loved it. Including your mom."

"Really? So girls like guys who dye their hair especially if it is done correctly. You missed a few spots here and there."

To which, Daniel glared at me. And I laughed.

"I should get going. It's getting late and I promised my dad I would be home by 10."

"Ok good night. Tell your folks I said hi."

"Ok I will." Daniel walked me home, even though it was a short 5 minute walk home.

"Thanks for tonight. I had fun."

"No problem. Anytime." He replied slightly blushing.

"Well, good night Daniel."

"Good night Sierra."

I slowly leaned in and kissed him full on lip lock and we-

Nah I'm just playin. I just kissed him on the cheek and went inside.

Daniel POV

OMG SHE KISSED ME! It was only on the cheek but still. I just wish she knew my feelings for her. After she went inside, I made my way back to my house. As soon as I got to my room, I fell asleep.

A/N: Vote COMMENT Share. :) thanks for reading this far. Let me know what you think.

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