Party 3

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The traffic was horrendous so they didn't arrive to the party until five past seven. They drove past the garden the shadows of bare trees fell across the drive, hiding the moonlight, but when they had passed the fence to the drive the moonlight spread out in front of them, shimmering like crystals and dappled with bluish shadows.

Jack's house was massive, and looked as if it glowed under the luminous stars in the sky. At least half of the school had already arrived. There was music blaring out of the speakers. Dom, sensing that Alex was uncomfortable, put a hand on his shoulder to calm him. They started to follow Daisy, who was confidently walking to the house, he had to speed walk to catch up with her.

Jack had answered the door to Daisy's ringing. Alex was shocked by how resplendent he looked in a crimson shirt and florescent fuchsia trousers. Not a style that Alex would have picked out for himself but, he admired the boys bravery. Daisy gave Jack a quick kiss before introducing him to everyone.

"Has Adrain arrived yet?" She asked him, "I'm not actually sure, but possibly." Daisy just rolled her eyes at his answer, before striding past him. Once they were inside Daisy quickly turned on her heel and faced Dom, "take care of my baby brother, while I have some fun with Hazel and Samantha."
"I'm older than you Daisy, I'm not your baby brother." Alex whined.
He hated it when Daisy called him that but she never seemed to stop. Dom grabbed Alex's upper arm before pulling him to the corner of the room by the drinks. He looked around the room, nothing seemed to be drab in this house, everything seemed to be either neon or shinny.

It had been half an hour since they had arrived and Alex was already itching to go. Dom had left him by the drinks to run after Samantha, who appeared to be his new fish. It had seemed that he had taken the saying, 'There are plenty of fish in the sea' too seriously.

So, Alex was currently alone now, like he had feared would happen. He was about to get up from the wall he had been leaning on and walk away from the party before he bumped into someone.

"Hey, you're Alex right?" It was a boy around Alex's age that he had bumped into.
"Yeah," Alex paused, he didn't want to look at the boy afraid that he would embarrass himself. "I'm sorry, who are you?" He tried to sound as polite as possible.

"I'm Adrain, Daisy's friend, she told me to keep you company as Dom has apparently left you." Alex looked up from his feet and looked at Adrian. The second he did so Adrain lost his breath, somewhere between it leaving his lungs and leaving his body.
He was suddenly drawn to Alex's bright azure eyes. They were so beautiful. The icy blue-ness brought a feeling like he was being pulled into a lake of frozen emotions. They were striking yet soft, bright but calm. After a while of staring into Alex's eyes, he realised that Alex had noticed him staring and looked worried.

"Is there something wrong?" Were his first words. There was so much wrong in that sentence Adrian thought, starting with the fact that everything, to him, was the opposite of wrong.

"No, nothing." Adrain paused, not able to take his eyes off of the cobalt orbs.
"You have very bright eyes." Alex was shocked by what he had just said. He knew that sometimes his eyes would stand out, but not so much that someone would mention it. He could feel the heat rising to his cheeks and looked away to cover the blush. When he looked away he noticed that Adrain wasn't as colourful as everyone else.

He had beige trousers, that looked slightly too big on him. Alex then realised that his trousers, slightly matched his eyes, which were a light, hazel brown. They reminded Alex of liquid caramel, calm, smooth and sweet.

"Hey guys, is everything okay?" Alex was snapped out of his trance by Daisy's voice echoing around him. He quickly looked away from Adrain's bronze eyes. Clearing his throat he said, "Yeah, um, I think I'm going to head out, sorry Daisy, but I'm just not having fun." Alex looked up and saw the disappointment in her eyes, she quickly cleared it up with a flash of a smile.

"Okay, well just call mum and i'll see you at home." Without another word she was walking back to her friends. Alex sighed and went to get his phone before Adrain stopped him by putting his hand on Alex's arm.

"What are you doing?"                
"Calling my mum, like Daisy just told me to do." Alex stepped back from Adrain, suddenly uncomfortable by how close they were. Adrain carefully let go of his arm, hating the awkward silence between them.

"Don't call her, it's too late, i'll drive you home."
"But don't you want to stay." Adrain let out a chuckle. "Parties aren't really my thing, Daisy made me come." Alex looked over at Daisy who was eyeing them suspiciously, when she noticed Alex looking at her she gave him a quick wave and a wink before turning the other way. His sister was well and truly sneaky Alex decided before turning back to Adrian.
"Okay, you lead the way."


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