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Daisy had dressed Dom up in a nice, dark green shirt and dark blue chinos. She let Alex dress the way he wanted, so that he could be comfortable. So, he ended up being in all black, black sweat pants and a black t-shirt.

The cafe they went to was just around the corner from where he lived. It was small but cosy. Daisy was over the moon when she found out that Dom and Alex were coming too.

The cafe they went to was only small, but had a homely feel to it. There was a section on one side of small tables and chairs used for people who were just having a coffee and a snack. On the other side where bigger tables and booths, for people having a bigger meal.

Adrian and Hazel were already there; sitting in a booth in the corner when they had arrived.

Adrians eyes went straight to Alex the second they walked in, but he quickly looked away before he noticed.

Daisy led Dom and Alex over to the other two. When they arrived Alex reached out his right hand, lightly touching Adrian's cheek.

He carried on tapping his fingures against his cheek, biting the inside of his own when he noticed how soft Adrians skin felt. Perhaps touching him hadn't been a good idea.

It didn't matter. Adrian was already shuffling further along to make room for him. That didn't stop him from jerking his hand back a little too fast.

He gave Hazel a small smile when he noticed her staring at him with a frown. She seemed to know more than she led on, but luckily she just gave him a tiny smile before she turned her gaze back toward the menu in her hands.

"The cheese omletes are the best." Alex said to Hazel, not knowing if she had been here before. He tried not to lean on Adrian side, but since the booth was very cramped with five-soon to be six teenagers-it was hard not to.

Alex only hoped that Dom (who was sitting on Adrian's other side) was beeing crushed in the process.

"If you aren't hungary I recommend the chocolate milkshake, they seem to do something different with it which makes it more delicious compared to others."

After they had all ordered a familiar girl walked into the cafe. Adrian could feel Dom tense next to him. She looked as beautfiul as ever. Her blonde hair in its normal curls bouncing off her shoulders as she strode in looking like she controlled the world.

Adrian could see what Dom saw in her, but he would never go for her himself. Firstly because he was gay and secondly because he'd known Samantha for so long that she had become a sister to him, and dating his sister would be...wierd.

As she came closer you could see the sparkle in her eyes grow as she turned to look at Dom, but it had left as fast as it came.

She was obviously holding in her feelings, which Adrian wasn't that happy about, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"How's everything?" She asked as she sat down next to Hazel. Adrian could feel that Dom was still tense next to him.

A cold kind of awkwardness flew between the six teenagers, which Daisy instantly wanted to change.

"Good. Where have you been?" She asked, trying to ease the tension that, for some odd reason seemed to be surrounding them. Samantha looked down, fiddling with her napkin, and small blush creeping onto her face.
"I was busy, sorry."

Daisy-realising that talking to Samantha about where she had been definitely wouldn't ease the tension- dropped the topic.

Dom wiped his mouth with his napkin before pushing Adrian, almost making Alex fall off his seat as a result. Adrian turned and look at Dom with a frown on his face, while Alex desperetly grasped onto Adrians arm to steady himself. Dom gave them both a sorry smile.

"Let me out I have to go the bathroom quickly." With a frown, Adrian and Alex got out of the booth to let him out.

While they were sitting back down, everybody else was watching Dom walk past the bathroom, to a waitress that was standing by the coffee machine. A scowl twisted on Samantha's face.

"I knew he played with peoples feelings like that, why do you think I didn't let him buy me a drink?" She said, she was answered by silence. Her appetite was suddenly gone, same with Adrian who agreed with Samantha.
"Does he always do that?" He questioned while staring down at his half eaten omletes on his plate. He was very aware of Alex's sudden silence, and of the way that he was pushing his food around his plate with his fork.  

"He's only doing it to make Samantha jealous." He mumbled.

Samantha, sensing the awkwardness rising again, quietly asked, "You don't think he means it?" Both Alex and Adrian looked over at Dom who was now walking back over to the table he stood next to Alex waiting for him to move out the way.

Adrian started to feel his blood boil, he wasn't really liking Dom right now, he seemed to be a controlling and mean guy. People like Dom were the type of people that Adrian had been advised to stay away from.

It was very easy for Adrian to be annoyed. He had a very short temper, which seemed odd with everything he says about his past, and his ex, but it's just something that he luckily has way to control. Unless he was far from home, which right now he was.

When Adrian was mad or loosing his temper he tended to go to the attick in his home where he kept a range of punching bags. He would use them to get the anger out of him, and he wouldn't stop until his arms were burning and his hands were bleeding.

Alex got out of the booth, in which Adrian followed to let Dom in. Bare in mind he didn't say thank you.

When they all sat back down Daisy looked over at Adrian with a worried expression on her face. She knew about Adrian's temper and always seemed to know how he was feeling, but Adrian just returned her worried facial expression with a smile to reasure her that he was alright .

"What was that?" Hazel asked. Alex looked up at her with wide eyes. He had completely forgot that she was there and her perculiar voice had made him jump slightly.

"What was what?" Dom replied dumbly.
"Dom, I love you, but that was very unnecessary." Daisy said, with irritaion obvious in her voice.

Dom just looked down, realising that he had, one, just been very ridiculous and two, embarrassed himself while trying to make him self look cool and irresistible.

He just shrugged his shoulders and carried on eating. Adrian didn't like how blunt Dom was being and was trying hard not to snap at him and tell him he had to wake up and find better ways to make Samantha like him, instead of flirtly with someone else, which, by the way, never works.

"It doesn't matter, she ended up being gay anyway." Dom had emphasised the word 'gay' a bit too much, and everyone could clearly hear the annoyance and slight hatred in Dom's voice.

Alex felt Adrian flinch next to him, but decided to keep his mouth shout. Which he later regretted after Dom's next statement.

"I sometimes feel like gay people think they're just so amazing to be different and that anyone of the opposite gender who tries to approach them is pathetic. Like common! How on earth was I supposed to know she liked chicks, there was no need for her to make me feel so small! You know?"

This was the last straw for Adrian, "Just shut up, would you!" He said while abruptly getting up from his seat and scrambling past Alex, racing out he door before he said anything else he would regret.


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