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"You know!?!?"

Casey stared at Sam, who looked apologetic.

"How could you possibly know?!" Casey was outraged. She had wanted this to be a secret until she was sure it was going to turn out good. But now, Sam knew.

Sam held up his hands.

"In my defense, it wasn't my fault. You left your tab open on my laptop the first day. And also, I know your password."

"How do you know my password?" asked Casey.

"It's always the same thing." replied Sam, "PuffPride2003."

Casey shook her head to clear it. Making a mental note to change all her passwords when she got home, she glared at Sam again.

"How much did you read?"


"Answer me!"

"All of it." Sam responded quietly. Casey sat back against the wall.

"I guess it's okay that you're the only one who knows." she said, closing her eyes.

Sam didn't reply.

"C'mon, let's go" she said finally. "I don't want to be late."

Sam didn't move.

"Did you finish the editing?" he asked slowly. "At east for the first few parts?"

Casey nodded perplexed.

"Yeah, I guess." she replied, "I might go back later and change things, but if I was going to let other people read it, it would be fine. Why?"

Sam twisted his hands.

"Before I tell you, you have to promise not to kill me."

"Why would I kill you?" asked Casey.

"I am serous." said Sam, "I genuinely fear for my life."

"Oh okay," said Casey, a little exasperated by Sam's awkwardness. They were going to be late again.

"So.....I may not be the only person who knows about your story." said Sam finally.

"WHAT?!?!?!" Casey yelled. A torrent of emotions were running through her. Fer, anxiety, anger, and....hope?

"I'm sorry!" Sam said, looking honest, "Please don't hurt me!"

Casey was so upset, but what could she do?

"How many other people?" she asked, keeping her voice steady.

"The internet?" responded Sam, backing away from her.

"Sam Donahue!" Casey hollered, feeling the blood rushing to her head with the stress, "Oh My God! Why- How- When-?"

"Only a month ago. I uploaded it to it's own special place on a fanfiction website. I only posted three chapters, and I update it every Friday after school. Speaking of which, the next chapter is due today at 3:30."

"I can't let you post anymore, Sam! That was supposed to be private!"

"I think you might change your mind if you come take a look at it." said Sam, ceasing to look apologetic, "Casey, you have a real talent. You just needed a little push to force you out of your shell."

Casey opened her mouth to protest, but then the meaning of Sam's words sunk in.

"You really think I'm talented?" she asked, touched.

"Of course!" replied Sam, "And I'm not the only one who thinks so. After school, come to my house and take a look."

Casey was still conflicted, but she felt that Sam was now on her side.

"Fine. But you have to post what I say you can post, and you owe me for life." Casey said.

Sam started to protest but Casey glared at him again and he shut up.


At the end of the day, Casey stopped by her house on the way to Sam's to pick up her laptop and phone charger. By the time she made it over, Sam was already playing video games and eating a slice of cake. His dog, Zuzu, was asleep on his bed. Casey knocked on the door-frame before entering his bedroom. Sam didn't look up, so Casey went over to his desk and turned on his computer. While she waited for it to boot up, she plugged her phone in to charge next to his nightstand.

Sam finally paused his game and came over to the computer, sitting down and opening a web browser. Casey watched him as he typed in a url. When he was done pulling up her story, he got up and motioned for Casey to sit.

Casey sat in the desk chair and read the beginning chapters of the story. Sam had changed nothing, except maybe spelling errors. Knowing him, he'd spent a good chunk of time doing it too.

Sam's computer made a pinging noise as a new notification popped up. Casey clicked on it and was brought to the comments page of the story.

Casey scrolled through tons of positive feedback as the read count clicked higher.


"I love it!

"This is really original!"

"Your writing is so compelling!"

Casey stared. There were a few not so nice comments as well, but she ignored them. This project was no longer a secret, private, just for fun idea. This was bigger than her now. This both thrilled and scared her.

"Oh my god, Sam! This is huge! What happened. Why do they like this so much?"

Sam smiled.

"I don't know. You are a good writer, though."

"Wow" said Casey, turning back to the screen, "I'm not gonna let you off the hook, by the way!"

Casey glanced over her shoulder at her friend.

Then, Sam gasped.

Casey got up from the computer, stretched, and went to retrieve her phone.

"What?" she asked.

Sam motioned her over. On his phone was an Instagram account he'd created for her story. It only had a few hundred followers, but Casey didn't even notice.

"There's an Instagram account?!" she asked Sam.

Sam nodded.

"Is there anything else I should know?" Casey asked, half joking.

"Um, actually yes." said Sam, holding the phone out to Casey.

There was a new message in the dm section. Then Casey freaked out.

It was from the Tin Can Brother's Official account.

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