Fun Town

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I walked out of school, a small smile on my face with my history paper tight in my hand. It had been 2 weeks since my dad had found out about Nate and I'm still grounded and I still have no phone or car. I walked towards the tow truck that had picked me up from school everyday for the last 2 weeks, smiling wide seeing it was Uncle Tig who was picking me up today. I climbed into the truck and he raised an eyebrow.

"What's got you so happy today?"

"Just drive.

He chuckled and started the truck and drove towards TM, "What's got you so happy today?" he repeated.

"Tonight is Fun Town," I said.

"Sorry to burst your bubble Panda, but you're still grounded."

"I know."

"Am I missing something here?"

I held up my history paper. "I got an A+ in my history paper."

He grinned, "That's amazing! See what happens when you use your brain."

"Hopefully dad will let me out for one night."

"Gotta wait and see kiddo."

Uncle Tig pulled into the garage and once parked, I rushed out of the truck into the clubhouse were everyone was sitting having a drink. I walked over to my dad, who was looking a me curiously.

"What's made you so happy? Thought you hated school?"

"Fun Town is tonight," I said smiling sweetly at him, holding my history paper behind my back.

"Sorry sweetheart, you're still grounded."

"Jackson," Grandma said.

He shook his head, "She has to earn her freedom back."

"Well, " I said. "I was hoping when I showed you this, you'd let me out just for tonight."

"Showed me what?"

I brought the paper from behind my back and grinned, "I got an A+ in my history paper!"

Dad grinned wide, taking it from my hands while everyone else cheered.

"That a girl," Grandpa said kissing my forehead.

"That brain of yours is going to get you into college darlin," Uncle Bobby said.

"Maybe I can let you out for one night," Dad smiled.

"Yes! Thank you!" I wrapped my arms round his neck, hugging him.

He rubbed my back and I pulled back and turned to Grandma.

"Can you take me home so I can get changed?"

She nodded, "We'll meet you guys there," she said to everyone.

I kissed my dad goodbye before heading to Grandma's car.

"So," I said smiling over at Grandma as she started to drive out of the garage.

"I know that smile anywhere," she chuckled. "Your father has the exact same one when he's wanting something. So, what is it?"

"Since dad's letting me go to Funtown, I was thinking you know," I trailed off. "You could let me use your phone so I can call Alison to let her know."

Grandma glanced at me, before turning back to the road, "I could just call Luann."

"Please," I begged. "I won't tell dad."

She laughed, "It should be me saying that."


She sighed, "Go on then, my cell is in my bag."

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