Chapter 1

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 "Today we will be making an aging potion, that can change a wizard into a slightly older one." Snape says, monotonously.

 I sits at my desk, stiring the boring brown potion, when Seamus raises his hand "Professor, I don't think my potion should be green, should it?"

 Snape looks into the potion and stiffens "Okay, everyone should run on the count of three." he insists "One... Two..." half of the students run, including Seamus. "Three" Snape is out of the room, instantly.

 I jump up with Ron, Hermione and Ginny, only to fall, with Malfoy, Parkinson and Zabini. "Get off of me, Potter! Before Finnigan's potion blows!"

 "You fell on me, Malfoy!" I hiss and push him off. All of the sudden, the cauldron explodes and splatters green semi-liquid all over the room, I pass out instantly.


 "Harry?" I open my eyes to find I'm in the hospital wing. The voice is from an average sized girl with shoulder length ginger hair. She has average sized breasts and an average sized bum.

 Normally, I wouldn't hit on chicks, especially because I've been into Malfoy... so what if I'm gay? "Hello, strawberry shortcake." why is my voice so high-pitched?

 I fling out of bed and glare in the mirror. I yelp in surprise. "I'm a girl!" I scream. My hair is wavy and chin length with straight bangs. I have very large breasts. My bum is large and my jaw is softer. Then I notice a certain wetness, down there "Did I piss myself?"

 Ron giggles "No, I asked Hermione the same thing... apparently, that's almost constant." A ginger guy, as tall as the male Ron. His hair is short and spikey. He's got a average frame. Definately Ginny.

 A tall guy walks over. "Hey, Harry, I'm just gonna check your bra size, so I can get you a few." his shaggy brown hair hangs in his eyes. He's bloody built.

 "Hermione?" he nods and says something about '36 F'. I frown "Bloody hell is that supposed to mean?"

 "It's your bra size, dipshit." I look over to see him, or her, or whatever. Malfoy's hair is down past his almost flat chest, he has almost no bum, but damn, my mouth is watering... the wetness increases, a pulsing feeling comes with it and Hermione tosses a towel at me.

 "Harry, can I talk to you a second?" I follow her, or him, or... whatever away from the group and he points to my breasts "Let me guess, your pulsing?" I nod "Okay, so you're horny. Why?"

 I look over at Malfoy. She's had to change her pants and they're tight on her bum. My crotch buzzes and I look back at Hermione "Isn't she mouth-watering?"

 He scuffs "Malfoy?" I nod and stare back at her gorgeous body. "No, I'm more attracted to Ron." he bites his lips "I just want to bang her so damn har- Harry cover your boobs."

 I look down at them. Two little nubs poke out of my shirt. I frown "Bloody hell?" I rub one and pleasure runs through me.

 "Stop." Hermione groans and slaps my hand away from my breast. "That's gross, do that in private if you must." he sighs.

 I look back over at the group of people. A short guy with hair like Ginny's, but black, slinder build. A very tall black woman with cropped hair and small breasts and a big bum. Pansy and Blaise.

 Hermione and I walk back over and I cross my arms over my breasts, as Snape, Dumbeldore and McGonagall walk up to us. Dumbeldor scuffs "I'm sorry for Finnigan's explosively potion. But it seems, there's no cure. Mister- I mean Miss Malfoy let us run some tests... there's simply nothing we can do." he starts.

 I sigh "So, what are we going to do?" I clear my throat "What are we to wear? Where are we to sleep? How am we to play Quidditch?"

 Dumbeldore smile, weakly "You can play Quidditch. You seven will be moved to another dorm and common room, to live together. You can sit with your houses at meals. We will sent clothes to your common room."

 I sigh "Bloody great... how am I going to explain this to the Dursley's?" I groan and plop back on my hospital bed "Bloody ridiculous." I mumble under my breath.


 A few hours later, we sit in the our new common room, I fling myself onto an armchair, quickly have to reposition myself, because my breasts lay very noticeably, to one side.

 Our common room is practically a library, with a fire place and cozy dark brown leather couches, one large circular wooden table, and a few coffee tables. Malfoy sits one of the seven chairs, surrounding the table, rubbing her temples over her schoolwork "If you hex a rat with the embolize hex, what would've happened?"

 Hermione walks past, on the way to me "Nothing would happen, unless it's an animagus."

 "Thanks Granger." She rests her head "Damn it, bloody hell is happening with my bloody head." She looks at Pansy "It fucking hurts! So does my stomach!"

 Hermione, Pansy and Ginny burst out in laughter. Hermione stands up and turns to Malfoy "You're about to start your period... those are cramps, by the way."

 Malfoy groans and puts her head on the table. Not a minute later, seven large bags appear in the middle of the room, three are green and black, the other four are red and gold. "Guys our bags came." I say, as I walk up to mine, which is the size of me.

 "Move shorty." Malfoy spits as he grabs his bag, which is right besides mine. He sits at few feet away, as do the rest of us. We sit in a circle.

 The guys giggle "Okay, you girls go first. There's a lot of stuff we need to explain to you four."

 I frown. What would they have to explain?

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