Chapter 7

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 I sit in the grand hall. It's Thursday. Time to pick the tournament champions. Naturally Krum and Fleire got the place, along with Cedric. But then something weird happens... the goblet throws out another name. Dumbeldore frowns "Harry Potter..." he whispers, before screaming "HARRY POTTER!" angerly.

 I stubble down to bleachers and walk up to him "I swear Professor, I didn't do it." he hands me the paper and points me to the door.

 As I get down to the trophy room, Cedric stares at me. "Harry, did ya put yer name in the goblet of fir?" Dumbeldore asks me, harshly, gripping my arms.

 I shake my head "No Professor."


 Ron sighs "Come on, you need to sleep." She tells me as I sit on the couch in the common room at 3am, in the dark.

 I shake my head "I can't sleep.... I just keep thinking about it." I sigh "About everything.........."

 She sighs and lays on the couch, next to me "Fine, if you refuse to go to bed, I'll bring bed to you." She sighs and rests her head in my lap.


 The next morning, I wake up to find everyone laying around the common room. I check the clock.... noon. I jump up and scream "Guys, we're late!" Malfoy falls out of an armchair. "We missed potions, wild creatures and charms!" I practically sprint to our dorm, throwing on my skirt and putting a shirt over my night shirt. The others run in as I put on my shoes and fucking kneehighs. Then I run to the bathroom and brush my teeth and put my hair in a bun. Malfoy, Blaise and Ron run in and I groan "Fuck, my tie." I run back to the dorm, grab a tie and a rally rag, before running into the the common room to find the guys, waiting.

 Tightening my tie, I start to use the rally rag as the other three walk in. Malfoy yawns "Is it lunch?"

 I look at the the clock. 12:30. I sigh "Yes, come on."


 As we get to our seats, Malfoy cracks her neck "Does anyone know how to braid hair?" she points to the crazy looking pony tail "My hair is fucked."

 "Ginny, you do Ron's, I'll do Malfoy's." I sigh and start braiding Malfoy's soft platinum locks. I clear my throat "So, you're still my date to the ball, right?" I ask, nonchalantly.

 She chuckles "Yes. My mum has already asked for measurements." she sighs "She's pretty excited about having a daughter..."

 I smirk to myself and finish off one of the braids, before starting the other. I clear my throat "I wonder what the first trial is..."

 Ron sighs "I don't know, but I think I heard the minister say 'Weasley' when Dumbeldore and him were talking."

 "So, it could be tricks, hexed muggle products or something from Romania." I chuckle "What if it was Dragons?"

 I finish off the other, as Malfoy speaks "If it's dragons, you better keep an anti-burn serum by your side."

 "Harry!" I turn, just in time to see Cedric, walking up to my table "Can we talk.... in private?" he glances at everyone else at the table. I sigh and stand, following him out of the grand hall. He stops me right at the entrance "Are you okay?"

 I nod "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a tournament." He stares at me, concerned. I sigh "I mean, what do you want me to say?"

 He points to my stomach "I mean those." he sighs "Are you really okay to do the tournament when you're dealing with whatever pushed you to that?"

 I move his arm away and look back at my table. Everyone is occupied, elsewhere "They don't know, do they?" I shake my head "Do they know what caused it?" I nod "Was it the gender change?"

 I scuff "No, it wasn't..." I look over at my group and smile a the fact that Ron is acting a fool. I smile, weakly, as I turn back "Don't tell anyone..." he nods, understandingly "... but I was sexually assaulted... last week..."

 He bats his eyes "Oh...." I nod and he clears his throat "Well... are you okay? I mean, physically and mentally...."

 I shrug softly "As well as to be expected...." I look back at my table, Malfoy looks at me, questionably. I clear my throat "I think I'm going to go back to my roommates." he nods, still shocked "Bye, Cedric."

 I start to walk away, before hearing "Goodbye Harry." I continue walking away as I get a few joking cat calls from the twins.

 "What was that about?" Ron asks as I sit down in front of him. I shake my head and smile, fixing my bangs.

 "Potter?" Malfoy asks. I look to her "You need to eat." she grabs my plate and puts a sandwich, chips and a brownie on my plate "You're not leaving until you eat it. All of it."

 I scuff and stand up way to fast and I get light headed. I grip the table for support and wait for it to subside. Hermione grabs my shoulders and sits me down "I'm with Malfoy. You're not leaving until you eat."

 I groan "You two are bloody idiots." I cross my arm and wait for them to crack, but they don't. Not even when everyone leaves. I sigh "Guys, we're gonna be late for Dark Arts."

 Hermione shrugs "Like we care." she moves the plate closer to me "Eat, or we're not going anywhere."

 I look at it. The chips are hot and greasy, they smell wonderful. The sandwich is chicken, which is my favorite. I lick my lips, it looks so good. I sigh and push it away "I'm not hungry..."

 Ron points at me "You're going to eat that. Even if I have to use The Imperous Curse, you're gonna eat your bloody food."

 I shrug and stand, only to get pulled down by Hermione's strong grip. "Eat it." he demands. I shake my head and he sighs "Come on!" He grabs my sides and I yelp in pain.

 I smack him and fall backwards, out of the bench. He looks at me, concerned, before I hiss "Don't ever do that again!" and with that, I storm out of the grand hall.


 I don't talk to them in my classes, or in the common. I simply change for Quidditch practice. That night, I'm in bed before they get back from dinner. Little do they know, I've cut myself to shit, not ten minutes earlier.

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