Chapter 23

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 After walking out of the bathroom, I see Draco stumbling down the stairs, her hair a mess. She hates mornings. The only thing she stops for is to kiss my forehead, before continuing to stumble down the stairs "Coffee." she yawns.

 "She hates mornings." I tell Sirius, before walking up the stairs, followed by Sirius.

 On the third floor, I find Cedric and Viktor fighting for counter-space "Keep YOUR clippers on YOUR side, Krum!"

 "You're belongings take up more than half the space, Diggory!"

 "Boys!" I interrupt.

 They both look back at me, before screaming their argument at me.

 "He left toothpaste all over the sink! His beard trimmings are all over and he uses way to much cologne!" Cedric yells.

 "He doesn't close the toothpaste cap! His hair gel is all over the sink handles and he squeezes his hair gel from the middle! Who does that?" Viktor argues.

 I sigh and walk forward, opening the compartment behind the mirror "Did neither of you notice the cabinet?" they shake their heads in unison. "Viktor, put your belongs on the top. Cedric, put yours on the bottom." I sigh "Clean whatever mess you make." I sniff the air "It smells like a douchebag in here." I hear Sirius scuff "Spray that's shit in your bedroom."

 After I walk out of the bathroom, I hear Cedric frown "Did... Did we just get scolded by a dwarf?"

 I narrow my gaze and stick my head back in "I might be short, but I'm not a bloody dwarf!" He looks back at me, petrified "Understand?"

 "Yes ma'am." he says, breathlessly and I continue on my way.

 I smirk as I hear Viktor chuckle "Your a bitch." he tells Cedric.

 "No I'm not." Cedric insists.

 "You just got yelled at by a pint-sized girl." Viktor argues "And you bitched out."

 "But she's a feisty little bugga." Cedric insists.

 When we get to the door leading up to Draco's room, I run up the stairs, trying to make sure Draco didn't leave anything out. When I find it clean, I let Sirius come up.

 "Nice room you got here." He smirks as I jump into some jeans. "Especially like the stripping pole."

 I scuff "I don't believe it's used as a stripping pole." I say, zipping the black skinny jeans, before putting on a bra.

 After I'm done, I step out of the closet to find Sirius leaning against the railing "I believe you forgot something."

 I look around for a second, before spotting the black strapon in the corner of the room. "Gaaaa!" I groan, before throwing a blank over it and blushing "You weren't supposed to see that."


 As I sit next to Draco at the breakfast table, she rests her head on my shoulder "Tired or Hungover?"

 "Both." she groans. The other three sit across from us on the massive table, followed by the rebels that call themselves 'The Order of the Phoenix'. Sirius sits next to me and Remus next to him. Narcissa sits next to Draco and Snape after her.

 "We're going to have Draco take my wand." Dumbeldore speaks, emotionallessly.

 "Why?" Draco asks, suddenly perked up.

 "Because." Dumbeldore sighs "I'm dying." I soon realize he wears gloves. I've never seen him wear gloves. A blackish green crawls up his neck. "And I'm spreading the belonging I wish not to share with the school."

 The floom tube fires up and Ron and Hermione step out of it, seconds later, so do the twins and Ginny. He hands out a few things, a book to Hermione. A little tube to Ron. The first snitch I ever cought, to me, along with the sorting hat. Around the table he goes, handing titles and prizes to everyone. Snape receives the title of headmaster, meaning I'll probably never get excellent on any of my OWLS. He stops when he gets to Draco. He holds out his wand and sighs "Cast it away from me, Draco."

 Draco pulls out her wand and whispers "Expelliamas." Dumbeldore's wand flies into her hand and a sort of bond happens. Her eyes go wide "It can't be professor!"

 "What can't be?" I ask.

 "The elder wand." Dumbeldore nods.

 "So..." Draco stops, a lose of words, before she finds them "The Deathly Hollows is real?" she asks.

 "Well yes." Dumbeldore nods "And you have all three."

 "But professor!" Draco insists "I only have the wand! I don't have the resurrection stone or the invisibility cloak!"

 "No. No you don't." Dumbeldore smiles weakly "But Harry does." Draco's eyes flash on me "I gave her both of them."

 "You gave me my father's cloak?" I ask and he nods "Where's the stone?" I ask.

 "That, you will have to find out for yourself."


 The other three champions took turns heading out with Draco's mum. They had to hide under my cloak as Draco's mum held their things and bought them. Needless to say, it took forever for all of them to be able to decorate their rooms and the shopkeepers probably thought it weird that Draco's mum walked into their shops three times in the course of a day. But it got done none the less.

 Dumbeldore died, two weeks later, when the green and black curse reached his heart. His grave was found dug up not two days; nothing was taken.

 The sobs of the students of Hogwarts was soon shared by everyone in Hogsmeade, then every witch and wizard in Europe, then in the World. Nobody had a dry eye, except for the muggles. None of whom knew, or cared, who Dumbeldore was. None of whom knew of the plague that murdered him. None of whom knew of any of us who weeped, besides the parents of the muggle-born. But none of them knew Dumbeldore.

 It was only nine days until the third task. Only a week until I die. Only a week until I never see my friends again. Only a week until I join my parents. Only a week.

 Only a week.

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