Chapter 15

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 "Her trunk is here, but where is she?" I hear Hermione say, as he walks into the compartment.

 I hear Draco sigh and feel her pull the cloak off my head. I blink up at her as tears bubble up in my eyes and a sob sets itself in my throat. I let out a wet shakey breath and the sob follows "Hey, hey." she whispers, sitting under my head "Breathe." She demands "Merlin you're filthy."

 I sob out a disgusting sob and rub my eyes, noticing Hermione, Ginny and Ron on the other bench. Hermione frowns "Was it Dudley?"

 I nod and another sob rakes through me. And I stare up at the ceiling as Draco runs her fingers through my hair "Do you want to talk about it?" she whispers.

 I shake my head and whisper lowly as Blaise and Pansy walks in "I just want to sleep." I let the tears run down the sides of my face "Forever and ever." I say, numbly and roll over to face the wall, or, more directly, Draco's stomach.

 "What's a'matter with her?" I hear Blaise ask. Then I hear a smack and Blaise sees to get it "Shit." she says, under her breath.


 When we gets to Hogwarts, they tell me what to eat and I somberly do. After that, we walk up to our dorm and Draco smiles weakly "How about a bath?" I just look at her, blinking emotionlessly "Come on." she says, a winkle of pity in her eye.

 Once inside the bathroom, she walks me over the the bath and starts the water, before stripping off my shirt, examining the bruises over my back and stomach. When she grabs my wrist, I pull it away and look anywhere but at her. She sighs and whispers "I'm sorry."

 She slowly pulls off the rest of my clothes before helping me into the bath and sitting behind me, washing me with a rag "I'm not letting you go back there." she says, rubbing a shoulder when she's almost done.

 After a few minutes, she stands and starts to walk off. She'll leave me forever if I let her. I practically jump outside of the bath to grab her wrist "Princess, I'm only going to get you some clothes."

 I shake my head "Don't leave me." I whisper and she sighs, pulling me closer to her, I clutch my naked, wet, body to her.

 She doesn't complain or move. She simply sighs "I won't." she kisses my forehead "I never will."


 Draco tucks me in and kisses my forehead "Goodnight, angel." she starts to walk away but I grab her arm and she smiles weakly "Babygirl, we can't both fit in this tiny arse bed."

 I look down in disappointment and she sighs "Okay little one, move over." she gets in bed with me and spoons me, before kissing my bruised neck.


 It's been a couple weeks and I pace in the common room as the clock strikes 2am. Ron and Hermione sit on the couch closest to me. Hermione sighs "Harry, you should get some sleep... the second task is tomorrow."

 I shake my head "No." and continue pacing "I'm not going to bed until she's back." Draco got pulled away at nine, don't know why.

 They wait with me, until 9am rolls around and we have to leave.


 When we get to the black lake, McGonagall doesn't say a word to me, nor does any professor. As I get into position, I roll the turnip in my hand. "Something was taken from our champions. They'll have one hour to look, or they won't be given back. On the canon-" the canons fires prematurely and the other three leap in, as I chomp down the turnip.

 Within seconds, I get light-headed and fall straight into the water.

 The water is freezing, but I put up with it and look at my fingers and toes. My feet are gone! I have a tail! I'm a mermaid! My tail is twice as long as me, with green and purple scales and a great big flipper at the end.

 I smirk, before looking around. I see a flash of white in the middle of the seaweed, so I decide to check it out. As soon as I get moving, I see a flash of light and the French Veela goes flying past me, empty-handed, back to the surface.

 In the midst of seaweed, I spot a head of white hair. Malfoy. I swim over and see the beautiful blonde tied and unconsious. I give her a kiss on her stiff lips before going down and untying her feet. I see a cast of red and I jump as Cedric swims up beside me to grab his friend, some weird bag like spell around his mouth and nose. He taps his watch and I look down at mine. I only have five minutes left! How did I loose that much time?

 I look at him and nod, then he's on his way up. I look at the other two people in the pond, before Krum swims past me and pulls a Bulgarian git up with him, a shark head attached to his face.

 I'm the only one left in the pond, and there's still a little girl, probably twelve, in Fleur's place. Sighing I drag Draco beside me as I grab the girl. As I grab her, a freaky octopus like women puts a trident to my neck "Only one!" it hisses.

 I nod and she swims back, but I don't let the girl down. "Accindio!" I hiss, and a force pulls all three of us up, despite the hisses of the 'merpeople'.

 When we get to the surface, I help the girl up the ladder as Draco trembles beside me. Fleur gasps "You saved my sister from the grandiouslas!"

 I smile "Well, I wasn't going to leave her there." she gives me a worship look, before caring for her little sister. Draco scurries up the ladder as she shivers from head to toe.

 "Merlin's beard, it's freezing!" she hisses, wrapping a towel around herself "Harry, aren't you going to come up?"

 "I can't." I scratch my head "Apperantly, the turnip kinda knocked me out when it was working...." I flip my tail at her and she stares in utter disbelief "I have fifty more minutes of this thing."

 She scuffs in disbelief, sitting by the side "Can I feel?" I raise my tail to her and she strokes it "It's real!" I chuckle at her bewilderment "My girlfriends a mermaid!"

 I chuckle and rest my arm on the platform as Dumbeldor speaks "In first place, Cedric Diggory!" there's cheers "Victor Krum did come up second, but, second will be given to Harry Potter." there's gasps, but Dumbeldor continue "For outstanding moral fiber!"

 Draco lightens up and bends over to kiss me on the lips, softly and passionately, beside kissing my forehead and whispers "Good job babygirl."

 I smile, until I look over to find Cedric, upsettingly talking to his friend, I get a few of the words "... just want her to be happy."

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