Strange revelation and accident to be revealed (part II)

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*song: I wonder, if I just feel sad already for these years they spent apart, or the experience Arthit has to go through. Both of these songs are about losing someone you love and missing that love terribly.

*So. This is gonna be a bit mature.. New territory for me, so comments still expected :)

It might have gotten a little long, I apologize, but I usually write a novel.. there one chapter is like 10-14 A4's. So in many ways, I'm doing something totally new for me. And it seems to move to that length because I have the best, the worst still unwritten. So If I get some free time, I'll write the third part, when I wake up ;)

Kongbop POV

Kong was thinking about this revelation the entire time he walked home. And though it was a long walk, he could not think a scenario that would explain why his father and P'Arthit were so familiar with each other, well he could, but it made no sense at all. He even had a thought, that drove him crazy. P'Arthit was starting to walk through the open gates when Kong's father had stopped him. Though he didn't hear what was said, he gave no respectful or resentful answer back to his father, what had to mean they were very much acquainted with each other. And if, though it seemed more than probable, he lived in that mansion, then they surely should have seen each other before, as much as he had visited that house, but no children existence was known to him. Even a room what would have been decorated as to being used by a teenager or a young adult. This did not make sense.

Kongbop walked through his own home gates. He was totally lost in his own thoughts when the butler stated that they had a guest for dinner, this didn't stir anything in him. They had guests so often, that Kong usually didn't even attend dinner in the dining room anymore, as most of them were his father acquaintances and held no interest for him. But this time he wanted to go there, just to see if he had a chance to talk to his father. Though he never told him things that were unnecessary for him to know, though he did get if he's father was lying or held some disturbing thought from him.

He was suddenly surprised by a peal of laughter which didn't make sense, especially sounding from his own dining room. He stepped slowly through the open doors and watched as his father was lively talking to P'Arthit during their dinner. Which also surprised him, because, though never serious or unappropriate, his father was usually more careful with his emotions, when guests were at the table.

Oh, Kong your finally at home! We were waiting for you, but you took so long, that we finally started eating." His father had finally noticed him and talked like the three were old friends or met many times. He decided to understand the situation at once, he hated things he didn't understand, that's why the school was easy for him, he never lost interest in things he found mysterious. (I guess, Arthit has no chance then)

Hello, P'Arthit. I didn't know you and my father were acquainted." I threw this innocent thought out, and waited for a replay, from either of them. They exchanged looks and then my father was quick to explain, but I just looked P'Arthit's lowered face. He told me all about minister Utsahakam's sister, who had lived in Nonthaburi, had died there when Arthit was thirteen years old, and then he had moved in with his uncle. Though Kong had gone with his father often to the minister's residence, that was usually at times when Arthit had been living in the dorm, especially recent years, where he even had his own residence near the university. This did satisfy some curiosity, but Kong just wanted to talk to P'Arthit alone, and his father, known to him or not, had just given him a great opening for it, asking Arthit if he wanted to stay there tonight and go to work with Kong in the morning. After hesitating a bit, and sneaking a glance to Kong, he had agreed.

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