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It's my birthday!! WOOHOO!!!! *Air horns go off.* Today is great. A great present, not having school. That's awesome. Now what does this mean as in what I post... I may not post today, or I may. Haven't decided. Anyway, to all the people who follow me, read my stories, and vote on them, I am grateful for it. I'm glad that what I'm writing is being read by people, makes me feel good about writing. Thank you all for the support.  Now with that said, as a birthday from me to you guys I will say this. I know that some people want to write but don't know a good place to start or know what to write about. So here is some advice, write it down. Funny, I know. What I mean is, say you want to write a fantasy world, write the rules of the world down first. Also, write out how your characters act and look like. It really helps in a long run. It let's you have a reference sheet so you can always check to make sure you stay in those rules and character types. If you want to make a more realistic world, do some research. Like if you want the setting to take place in Las Vegas, do your research on the area. Just write down your ideas for what you want to write. I can give an example, with Burning Absolution. I wrote out my own paper of the colors that represent what power each book would give the user. I wrote down some of the castings for the abilities down as well. It helps, it really does. Also, this is me but it helps, make what I call a baseline. I think of how I want it to start and how I will end it. It works better with chapters. So what I do, I have that in my head as I write. Everything from like character interactions to fight scenes, I think of it as I try to make a believable way for it to go from the start to the end. Like, let's use one of my multiverses as an example. Let's say point a is Jeff and I waking up and point b is Jeff and I finding some stupid treasure. I would then think of ways to go from point a to b in a believable way, like we hear from Garnet about it, then look it up to check it then finally find it. That's what I mean. Anyway, that's all I have. Anything else I can stay is to just keep doing it. Just continue writing. It's what I do, I'm constantly writing. Anyway, that's all I have for now, and it's my birthday!

Goku out!

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