Thank You

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This is present number 3 for everyone. Thank you so much for everyone who reads, comments, and likes my stories. Thank you to the people I've met through Wattpad, people I can talk to whenever i need to. Thank you Wattpad for letting me get my stories out there. Thank you SecretAcer for helping me start my love for writing.

You have all made my experience here amazing and I'm glad for it. I enjoy writing and having it seen by people, no matter who they are. Thank you all so much, it means a lot to me. I hope everyone had a great holiday, no matter what you celebrate.

To SecretAcer, thank you. You make me so happy and I'm glad you helped me start my writing off. I am so glad I met you.

To everyone else, you're all fantastic, no matter what anyone says. I do have a plan for my account, one I hope we can all achieve. I want this channel to be a place where anyone can talk openly and have a safe space to talk about whatever is bothering them. I want any ideas you have to be thrown out and left in the air without any negatives. That's my dream, and I know we can achieve it. That's my Christmas gift that I ask from you all, and hopefully we can make it a reality.

Like in My Hero Academia and how Deku continues to work hard to get where he is, we have to do the same. If you're ready to try this, then comment that you're ready to go beyond, plus ultra. I'll be waiting for them.

This has been Goku0422, and a happy holidays.

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