Chapter 11

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Steelix: Nyehh here's the chapter some people have been waiting for!! I feel like imma get attacked after this chappie.

Yugi: Here is where flashbacks start kickin in!

Yugi's Pov

It's finally time.

Yesterday night after Yami left Mana and I stayed in my room for a while before we both went outside to pick everything up and put away. After that was done we talked for a bit more before we went to sleep.

Mana woke me up shaking me and telling me to get ready, which I did shortly after she left my room to get ready herself.

Right now I'm sitting at the edge of my bed waiting for Mana and reminiscing old memories of Yami and I. Memories that will forever be engraved in my mind.

Like the time we first met, in kindergarten...

~I was sitting on a swing, alone and away from all the other little kids. I was that shy, quiet kid with no friends and since I had no friends or anyone to stand up for me, I was picked on a lot. Today happened to be the day my bullies decided to make fun of me.

"Hey, look at the lonely porcupine guys." Akeno, a boy with short brown hair said as he sat in the empty swing next to me. I lowered my vision and stared at my shoes, hoping he and his group of friends would leave. "Why are you so ugly?" I looked up a little to see Akira, the only girl in Akeno's group. I felt a poke on my left shoulder which caused me to turn and look. Roka stood there with an annoyed look on his face. "Answer when someone is asking you something!" That's when I felt myself being pushed off the swing and fell on the ground, scraping my elbows and hands. I winced in pain and felt tears fall down my face.

I heard them laughing at me. "He is such a pathetic loser." I heard Akeno say and they began to laugh again. "Like you." I looked up with a red, puffy, tear filled eyes to see Yami, the most intimidating kid in the whole kindergarten class. "I am nothing like him, he's not even close to my level." Akeno and his small group gave Yami dirty looks as he walked towards me and helped me up. "Yea you're right, he's not because he's better than you. You are at the bottom along with your bratty friends."

He gave me a warm smile before turning to finally look at them. "No we aren't! We are better, better than him and better than you." Akira shouted as she took a few steps towards Yami. "Apparently not, but whatever, think what you want cuz I could care less." He gently pushed Akira away from him and grabbed my arm. "Just warning you though, get near him again and I'll make sure you get the same treatment." Roka rolled his eyes and retorted, "Lets do a head count here okay, it's Akeno, Akira and me. Then there's you and porcupine there. What can you do?" I looked around and mentally confirmed his head count, he's right Yami is outnumbered, especially since I'm too weak...

"I never said I would do it alone." He gestured towards two other boys leaning on a unoccupied handball court wall. One of the boys had blonde hair while the other's was brown. "Now we're even." Yami gave them a malicious smirk.

Akira leaned towards Akeno and whispered something to him, which caused Akeno's eyes to widen. Once Akira leaned away Akeno frantically fiddled his fingers. "F-Fine we'll leave him alone." With that Akeno and his friends walked away.

I looked at my minor injuries and winced. "Are you okay?" I looked away from my arms and turned to Yami. "Uh, yea. Thank you." I smiled slightly then began to walk away. "Hey wait!" I turned around to look at him again. "Come with me, little one." He extended his hand towards me, I shyly took it. He then proceeded to walk me towards the two boys I saw before, holding my hand the whole entire time.~

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