Announcing the gender

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Girl" she says I could't believe it I was so happy I smiled so big she took the pictures "Those pictures are gonna come out great" she says with a smile she wipes the gel off my stomach and turns off the machine "Those pictures will come out in 5 minutes do you wanna stay in here or the waiting room "Umm the waiting room is fine" I say other people wanna know like I did so I will just wait in the waiting room it's not gonna kill me "OK" she smiles and walks out of the room me and Ryan go to the waiting room and wait "I can't believe its a girl" I say "I know its what I wanted ha ha" he says he is so cute 5 minutes later the doctor comes out holding a yellow package that had the pictures in it she smiles and hand them to me "Again congrats if you have any questions my cell is on the package  call me anytime" she said  "OK I will" I say I will I think she knows my position she was a teen mom like me but she had two kids we get home and the first thing I do is invite mine and Ryan's parents over I have bunches of food and no one is eating we are both working so a little family get together. My mom said the whole family is coming I thought my dad would say no then Ryan's mom texted me saying the same thing the whole family is coming I think maturating and showing our parents that they actually want to hang out with us. I have to get ready I curl my hair and wear my make up I put on my purple sweater dress with my leather boots Ryan gets ready to and puts on his areopostale shirt and jeans he looks cute. After I make sure the house is clean and the food is out I hear a knock on the door I answer it and Ryan lights the candles to make the apartment smell good Its Ryan's mom and his dad and Lilly "Hey you guys come on in" I say with a big smile on my face Lilly smiles so big I haven't seen her since I quit school feels like forever she comes in and hugs me "Oh my gosh you don't know how much I missed you" she says while I close the door "I have missed you to" I sit down on the couch while Ryan talks with his parents in the kitchen I turn on the TV to Teen Mom "Oh my gosh I love this show" Lilly says "I know I kinda learn to not do everything they do but they kinda help me become a better parent before the baby is born" I say "I have to ask whats the gender" Lilly says "OK but you can't tell until everyone is here" I say "OK" she says "We fount out today we are having.. A girl" I whisper in her ear her eyes get bigger "Oh my gosh I can't wait to  be an aunt" she says " I know so how are you doing in school.?" I say "Good A and B's" she says I am so happy right now Its summer and it ends next week and next year is senior year and Ryan goes back and works to I am gonna miss him when school starts again I can't go to school now I almost have my G.E.D and I was new and got knocked up the first day Lilly already said I was named school whore but with one guy she says she defends me every time and now they don't even remembers me. Another knock on the door the last 5 minutes of Teen Mom I pause it and get up and answer the door  the first person I saw was my dad of course like my mom did the day we went shopping he looks at my stomach "Hey guys come in" I say my dad stops stareing and comes in last. My brother must of grown a foot since I left they all come in and I say "Food is in the kitchen help yourself Ryan's family is over too" they don't say anything and go in the kitchen I sit down and my brother comes out and sits beside me  "You don't know how much I missed you" he says  "I know it must be like a prison over their and where is the baby "It is your gone mom and dad are strict they won't even let me go out to my friends house and the baby is  at the baby sitters mom says even though I can't get pregnant I can get  a girl pregnant and I will be responsible to take care of it the most fun I had in months is when mom let me have one of my friend's over and stay the weekend" he says it must be like hell over there it was care free but when they realized when it was care free it was  a risk of anyone getting pregnant they buckled down  Lilly got up and said "Tell me what happens in the end of the show I am starving" she said she is crazy  "So how are you and Ryan and your pregnancy" Dylan said "Ryan and I are great I got a job and getting my G.E.D and he has a job and is still in high school so I am going to miss him when school starts next week and the pregnancy is good it has its ups and downs but that's normal" I say "Well you know the gender of the baby" he said "Yes but that's why I called everyone here to tell them  I fount out today and I have a CD so I will tell them and show them the CD with the ultra sounds on it. Its all my ultrasounds up to this last one and I will update it but the one I just had I have pictures and going to put them in frames" I say  I finish the last part of Teen Mom and me and Dylan go to the kitchen I get in and Ryan is talking with my parents they like him I know they do I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his waist  and kiss him on the cheek my parents see and smile "So why did you call us all here" My dad said he is accualy happy ever since they kicked me out "Just thought we all needed to get a long" I say  after an hour everyone ate and we sat in the living room me and Ryan got up and stood in front of the room "We have an excited news" I say "We fount out the baby's gender and its a.." Ryan said   "Girl" me and Ryan both said everyone smiled and got up and hugged us "Ok we have a CD of all my ultrasounds from the first to the latest and we get it updated until she is born" I put in the CD and sit down on the couch with my parents and Ryan the video ends and I sit down Ryan's mom comes up to me and asks if she can put in a CD and I say  yes before she puts it in Ryan's mom and dad make say something "Lets watch shall we" They say she puts it in and it's interviews of everyone its so sweet I love it even Ryan was in it.  I love this family again.

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