I'm an official mom

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9 months pregnant:

I am finally 9 months pregnant and about to pop the doctor I had Dr.Kennedy has been coming over to help me with raising the baby and having an good pregnancy. Today we were sitting on the couch when "Ow" I say Ryan looks at me "Whats wrong" he said I can't get the words out all I can do is feel pain and say Ow "Ow" I say. "I am taking you to the hospital he grabs my hospital bag and helped me to the car and on the way called Dr.Kennedy she had a room for me I felt so much pain you don't know how much.  We got to the hospital and Ryan checked me and we got settled in I finally didn't feel a lot of pain when I got their Ryan texted his parents and mine and they are on their way to the hospital "I'm sorry I couldn't talk the pain hurt so much I couldn't get any words out but ow" I say "Its alright just as long as I get to be with you its amazing. An hour later someone knocks on the door and comes in it's my family with balloons and flowers they hand them to me and I sit them on the table next to me "How do you feel sweetie" My mom asks while my brother and dad sit down "Better but still in pain" I say my mom smiles and then sits down I have a bad contraction I sit up and have a hurt look on my face Ryan comes to me when he sees me in pain and rubs my back my parents look impressed finally Ryan's parents get here with flowers and balloons. They ask me how I am and same tell them I am fine  then the nurse and Dr.Kennedy come in "How are you feeling Carly" asked Dr.Kennedy "good but my contractions hurt bad though" I said "Its normal" she said with a smile I can't wait until Allissa is here.

21 hours later:

I have been in labor for 21 hours and in a couple of minutes its going to be 22 hours. I feel bad I am 9 centimeters dilated that was an hour ago I am in pain some tears has fell down my face during it Dr. Kennedy comes into the room to see how long I am "Your 10 centimeters time to push" she said with a smile my mom has a camera Ryan's mom has a video camera and Ryan is holding my hand ready to cut the umbilical cord and encourages me "push" the Dr. says and this went on for 5 minutes then I hear a baby crying and smiles Ryan cut the cord and smiled the doctor took her to the weigh station in the corner and cleaned her up and handed her to me there she was my baby mine something I can call mine  its my Allissa 

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