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Lost Boys Rule: Pirates one advantage in combat with a Medium or Large Fae is the element of surprise. Fae have excellent hearing but not an excellent sense of smell. If a Pirate is stealthy enough, they can sneak up on Fae without the warning stench of long unwashed bodies alerting them. Lost boys have a better sense of smell than most Fae. 

Treestar and Lumen knew that it was only a matter of time before they were betrayed. Any number of Fae too scared or loyal to the King could have seen them in the forest when they took her to the birch grove. Elizabeth, their princess had to be moved back into Lost boy or Wind Person territory as soon as possible. Their best bet was moving her as close to Lost boy territory and letting her go through the barrier without them as they were still bound by Simwe Acacia. 

Lost boy territory had two advantages: It was closer and Peter Pan was most certainly looking for his friend and could help. 

When Lizzy awoke her burns hurt even less. Spotting Treestar she said, "Thank you for your help. I would have died out there without it."

Treestart bent down and smiled. "It is an honor to serve our queen."

Lumen approached from the other side and also bent down as he gravely delivered the plan he and Treestar had formed.

"My Lady, You cannot remain in the Silverwood. We were almost certainly seen last night and it is only a matter of time before word gets back to King Acacia. Treestar and I will take you to the border and let you return to the Lost boys. Do you feel well enough to run?"

Lizzy grimaced. She felt better but not that much better. Maybe she could fly when she got to the border...

She answered with a nod. Lumen and Treestar nodded back and helped Lizzy to her feet. Treestar held Lizzy's unburnt hand and led her out the back entrance of their birch cathedral. Lumen took up the rear. As soon as they were in open forest, Treestar took off at an unbelievable running speed. Lizzy was carried behind her like a kite on a sting. This was a very disconcerting to say the least. 

Their journey continued for minutes before Treestar came up a sudden halt. Surprisingly Lizzy didn't crash into the ground, but spun gracefully and landed on her feet. 

"There is the Lost Boy's territory." Treestar pointed. There was no magic guarding the border that Lizzy could see. 

"You both can't come with me?"

"no" said Lumen, "Lord Acacia likes his subjects to stay close to home." bitterness tinged every word. 

Lizzy turned and grabbed both their hands, "Thank you. I will do my best to be worthy of what you have done for me this day."

She was just turning when out of the corner of her eye, she saw a movement. Quick and bright the sword come down on Lumen with a woody thud. Lumen's eyes rolled up into his head, his mouth twisted in agony as he fell sideways. Treestar screamed and Lizzy pulled her out of the way as another blade sliced through the air. The Pirate on the other end of the blade roared in irritation and swung again. 

Lizzy pushed Treestar hard away from the pirates closing in. 

"Get out of here!" Lizzy screamed . Treestar immediately ghosted off into the forest with her unreal speed and Lizzy turned toward the Lost Boy's territory only to see a very frightening change of circumstance. Where only moments before the woods had stretched empty, pirates seemed to crawl out of every nook and cranny. She was surrounded. 

She closed her eyes and attempted to fly but rough hand grabbed her around the waist and on her healing arms. She let out a scream of pain and anger squirming to escape. Her hand were forced behind her and bound tight. By some small mercy, the pirate holding her burnt arm decided on the crueler option of her hair. 

Swaggering toward her into the clearing was Captain Hook. Lizzy screamed her defiance and struggled uselessly. Captain Hook waited patiently for her to exhaust herself with the effort before continuing toward her. He stuck his hook out and used it to lift her face, even with her new height, he still towered over her. Lizzy got her first really good look at the infamous Captain Hook. 

His eyes were a piercing grey, his nose was straight and skin unblemished. He still had the ever-recognizable and outrageous hat but there the resemblance to her story books ended. His hair was cut short his mustache close cropped and neatly trimmed. In fact, he was ruggedly handsome. 

He observed her with out condescension, triumph or leering. His gaze simply looked.  He lowered his hook to his side and surprised her even more when with his free hand, he wiped wetness from her cheek. A tear? His eyes hardened then as he turned away from her and grabbed something from a short squat scholarly looking older man. 

He turned back to her and blew a white powder into her face. Instantly the world went black for Lizzy as she slumped in her captors arms. Hook himself took charge of her then. Sweeping her unconscious body into his arms he crossed the barrier.

The forest was in total confusion. With the princess sleeping it was unable to make the pirate's path difficult or lead help to her. Captain Hook and his crew easily reached the Jolly Roger and set about retreating to the sea.

And help was so close.

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