chapter 4

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The stench has only gotten worse the longer I've sat in this chair, I still have no idea how long it's been and I've kind of given up caring. I don't think I'm getting out of here so what's the point in counting the days. All I can do now is try and make sure he can't do this again. I need to be the last one who dies.
Laying my head down as best I can in the chair I gather my thoughts and try and come up with some sort of a plan. Even if I can't get out of here I've got to make the last of my time count. All he's let me do since I've been here is exactly what I'm doing right now though, sit in a fucking chair. He's fed me a total of two times. Pancakes when I first got here as my "welcome" meal and my "rations" a bottle of water and two slices of bread, yes very nutritious.
Thinking about water reminds me of the sad fact that I'm sitting in my own piss and my bladder tells me that I might be adding to the puddle under me yet again.


"Hey girly" I hear coming back into the real world only to be met by my now least favourite face. "How'd you sleep love?"
"I slept pretty good" I say forcing myself not to be rude even though all I want to do is spit the words out showing him the fire he ignites in me.
"That's great baby, I brought you some water" he smirks at me opening the bottle and looking down at my hands. "You don't seem capable of drinking right now though so I'll just have to help you out a little bit. I hope you don't mind." Smiling at me he leans in and pours water down the front of my shirt. The ice cold water seeps into my shirt pooling into my bra sending shivers through my entire body giving me goosebumps.
"Whoops so sorry" he says with a little laugh, "guess I missed. Here let me get that for you." Leaning close to me he grabs at my shirt and pulls it up and off my body in one fluid motion. Shame pulls my chin down and I'm shocked by what I see. My body looks at least half the size of what it was, I knew I hadn't been eating but I didn't really think about the results.
"I'm so clumsy let me take this to the wash" he continues making no effort to hide his eyes looking me up and down.


I've been thinking about what Chase said, and how he seemed so weird in the woods. Maybe he was just having a off day but something seemed different. Hopefully today will be better. Mom still hasn't come back home, I'm starting to get lonely in this house. Maybe I'll see if Chase wants to come over today after school.


*8:55 am

"Hey" I say sitting next to Chase in homeroom
"Oh. Hey. What's up"
"Um not much I just got here. My bus takes forever"
"Oh that sucks" he says with a far away look on his face "I'm gonna go to the vending machine"
"Okay.. have fun" I reply disappointed. Did I do something wrong?

Waiting for Chase to return I open my binder and start to work on my book project. It won't be due for a month, but I want to get it done as soon as possible. It's on "The Help" a book about coloured woman needing to get jobs cleaning, helping around the house and borderline raising children for white woman, it's honestly a really good and educational book I would recommend.


When math class starts and Chase still isn't here I start to get worried, but five minutes into the class he walks in as if everyone else is early.

"Oh Chase happy to see you'll be joining us" Mrs Robinson says in a overly cheerful voice before returning to the lesson.
"Yeah" he mumbles before sitting in his seat.
"Hey Chase do you wanna hangout after school?" I question in a whisper. The hope clear as day on my face.
"Yeah sure sounds cool" he responds still in his far away voice.


"We will be having a test this coming Friday so everyone study up and be ready" Mrs Robinson says in her usual sing song voice as the bell rings. Gathering my belongings I rush out the door and towards my spot for break.

"We should just leave. Want to ditch with me?" Chase says sounding hopeful. "We can do whatever you want"
"Um. Sure. You want to go to my house?" I whisper. I've never ditched especially not a whole day.
"Yeah, cool. Let's go" he says happily grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the doors before I can reconsider.

Chases car has a weird smell today. Like dirt and cleaner. Turning to put my bookbag in the backseat I see a dirty shovel and a tarp. That explains the weird smell.

"What's this?" I question anxious about his answer.
"Oh that's nothing" he says seeming nervous "just dont touch it"
"Okay" I say setting my bookbag down on the backseat avoiding making eye contact with the nasty tarp, but still clearly trying to keep my book bag off of it. I don't know what's on that tarp but I don't want it on my bag.


We get to my house fast and I lead him towards the front door in a rush. Everything feels fast; too fast, and how did he know how to get to my house without any directions? Not knowing what to say I shakily grab my keys from my bag, and unlock the door. I hope he doesn't notice that my nerves are going crazy. I'm usually a rule follower and all of a sudden some guy walks into my life and completely changes that in one day. How did he convince me to ditch that easily.

"Wow your house is so nice" Chase say pulling me away from my thoughts
"Thanks my mom picked it, what do you want to do?"
"Well where's your room?" He asks calmly with a hint of something I don't recognize in his voice
"This way" I say walking up the stairs.
Leading some guy you barely know into your room is a lot more weird than you'd think, and I realize last minute I haven't cleaned it in forever.

"Don't mind the mess" I say blushing
"Oh it's no problem" Chase replies picking up one of my bras and tossing it into my laundry hamper.
"Hey!" I half yell "Don't touch that"
"Sorry" he says a sly grin on his face as he turns on my tv "want to watch some t.v.?"
"Good idea" I whisper still looking at him in awe. I don't understand how such a good looking person could like someone like me.
"Hey where's the bathroom?" He asks. giving him directions I notice when he sets down his bag the corner of his camera pokes out. This could be my only chance to see his photos.

Listening to his footsteps I wait until they're far away before basically ripping the camera out of his bag and scrolling through the pictures. There's tons of photos and only a few stand out to me. A photo of some girl I don't remember from school, a photo of the woods he took me to, and a weird close up photo of a ankle with a tattoo of the number 4. Chases footsteps get close and I slide the camera into his bag before he opens the door hoping he won't catch me.

"Did ya miss me?" He says confidently "cuz I missed you." Walking towards me he puts his hand on my face and slowly leans towards me. All thoughts about his pictures slowly disappear as he kisses me trailing his hands down my sides.
"You're beautiful" he breaths into my neck placing soft kisses down it before coming back to my face "I won't let anything happen to you. You're mine"
His words sound suddenly harse and I pull away slightly to look at his face.
"Are you okay?" I question
"Yeah. Just worried about you"
"Why?" I say confused. He wouldn't have any reason to be worried about me. He barely knows me.
"Lets not talk about that now" he says suddenly cheerful leaning back in to kiss me again.
"Okay" I whisper into his lips kissing him back. Suddenly I feel him open his mouth slightly as he deepens our kiss making me forget about everything well my brain silently yells at me. There's something going on with Chase, and it doesn't seem like normal teenage stuff. There's something dark about him. The way he holds me is intense like he doesn't have any reason for kissing me other than for his own pleasure. But I guess I don't care because here I am kissing him back and quickly taking off his sweater.

"Are you sure about this?" He asks "I don't want to pressure you into anything"
"Yeah you're right. Let's just watch Netflix" I say leaning into his chest and clicking onto the channel. Unease still present in my chest.

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