Chapter 1

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This room is so empty. I hate it. Why did we have to move half way into my high school years? I don't know a single person and of course Karen's always away anyways. So I've really got no one. Guess it's not like I ever needed her anyways.

Pushing myself out of my bed I make my way to the bags of clothes I've got piled up in my closet, grabbing the first outfit in sight I make my way to the bathroom. I've only got a hour. Rushing through my routine and breakfast only makes me feel sick but I can't risk being late on the first day.


The school is dark with a threatening aura, ignoring it I push the doors open. The halls are empty. Weird; First period doesn't start for another ten minutes. Speaking of first period, where is that?

"Hey are you new?" A man's voice says behind me, jumping about five feet into the air I compose myself and turn around.
"Yeah. How'd you know?"
"Well I mean you kinda look like you don't know where you're going for one, and I've also never seen you before, I know almost everyone who goes to this school I would've seen you before."
"Oh." I whisper "well can you help me find my first period class than?"


Who was that guy, and how'd he just appear behind me without me hearing him walk up to me? Like he didn't want me to hear him or something.

It doesn't matter I'm probably just overthinking things. But when I looked at him the first thing I noticed were his eyes. They're very blue. Like looking in a glass ball full of clear blue liquid. But behind them was something I couldn't quite put my finger on. Either way whatever it was gave me a bad vibe.



Throwing my textbook away I basically jump off my bed and rush downstairs. I haven't seen my mom in a few weeks and have no idea what to say to her.

"Are you okay?" I say looking at my Mom. She looks tired and her under eyes are dark.
"Yeah hun I'm just tired" she says giving me a hug.
"Go take a nap I'll see you tomorrow"
"Thanks hun I love you"
"I love you too goodnight"

After seeing my mom for the first time in forever I'm suddenly upset. When I'm upset I usually get some food so I grab the ice cream from the freezer and head back up to my room.


By the time the ice cream is finished I've managed to marathon through the rest of my series and watch a assortment of random YouTube videos. Not knowing what else to do with the rest of the night I strip off today's clothes putting them in my hamper, and head to bed without bothering to get re dressed.

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