chapter 18

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Chases pov  :

Gathering my hair in my hands I start to panic. If her leg is to infected I might have to remove it or she could die. I can't have her dying on me I wouldn't be able to live without her. She's amazing absolutely stunning that's why I want to hurt her so bad and I did. I just hurt her so bad. God I was so fucking stupid why did I do this. It was such a in the moment thing. I wasn't thinking. I was just doing and she was taunting me oh was she taunting me with those large eyes and her silky skin just waiting to be marked. Now I've done it. All I can think of is pressing the cigarette into her perfectly tan thighs. Oh why did she have to be like this so tempting yet untouchable. Yanking at my roots I force my legs to walk. I need to get her leg clean. Nearly ripping the handle of my closet out I pull a face cloth off of the pile This will have to do. The once white cloth is stained with who knows what from God knows how many times its cleaned up blood and other fluids. Now its turned a deep gray brown color that I don't even want to put near Allison, let alone clean her infected wounds with. Mustering all my courage I open the bathroom door and soak the disgusting cloth with brown water before walking back to my sleeping Allison laying peacefully on her bed not knowing the pain that is to come. Not wanting to wake her I pad towards her small frame and lay the cloth gently on the burn. Her face contorts into one of pain and I instantly reach to remove it knowing I can't hurt her.

"I'm sorry baby. This is all my fault." I whisper well gently patting the burn with the cloth. Removing the cloth from her skin it looks better. The puss is gone replaced with only angry skin and redness. Looking down at the rag in my hands I decide against putting it back on her cut and go to grab another one.


Humming to myself i lay the cotton bandage on her creamy thigh and gently tape it into place. Hopefully waking up to this doesn't scare her to much. Maybe the little bitch will be greatful of the shit you do for her for once and come crawling back to you like the slut she is. Fuck I can't keep thinking these things. Its not me. That's not me the real me knows Allison is perfect and no where's near a slut.

Looking up at her I take in her red face noticing the way her cheekbones are out more than when i first saw her. She looks good. I just need to touch her. Grazing my fingers along her face I notice she feels warm. Moving my hand to her forehead my stomach lurches. She's way to hot to be okay. Practically running up the stairs I search every cabinet for some medication for her. All I have are pain meds and children's fever shit but it'll have to do.

Allison's pov  :

My head pounds a steady drum like beat and my stomach wants to empty the little contents it has onto the floor as my vision moves in and out of focus. What happened to me after I went to sleep. It couldn't be good. Did Chase drug me? No he wouldn't do that it would be a waste of drugs. Blinking quickly I take in my surroundings once again surprised by the book bag at my side. Sitting up pain covers my vision and I blink back tears before looking for the reason. My eyes stop on a white peice of cloth I swear wasn't there before and realization clicks. My thigh. The burning. Chase bandaged my thigh to try and make up for it probably. Well guess what Chase I don't forgive you. Why not? You gotta live with him right? It's not like he's just going to let you go and not kill you. Might as well thank him now. He's a okay guy he feeds you, loves you. What else could you ask for. Um I don't know maybe freedom. Its not like you were ever living anyways you spent all your time locked in your room on that damn peice of gunk you call a phone. What's the point of life anyways to live years and years just to die. Obviously not I'm a human I'm going to find love and have children. No one's going to love you after this. Why would they you're no good. They only want you for your body. At least this way you don't have to make them love you. He already does. No that's bullshit. Pushing back the words I muster as much of my strength as possible and try to push my feet underneath me to stand. Getting to my feet I live a short victory before pain takes over and my legs kick out from under me sending my sack like body to the ground with a thud loud enough to wake a sleeping giant.

"Allison?! Are you Okay!?" Chase screams from upstairs the noise instantly followed by the thud of footsteps on stairs. See he cares about you. Just give up there's no point in fighting it anymore.

"No fuck that. I won't just give up." I say out loud.

"Give up? What are you talking about? I just asked if you're okay." Chase says confusion taking over his face. His perfect little face. I loved that face. Maybe I still do or, still can. His hair is dirty and pushed out of his eyes perfectly showing off his forehead which he tries so hard to hide, And his eyes are wild with concern and confusion making me want to reach out and smooth the crease from between his brows.

What. the. fuck. Why am I thinking like this? He kidnapped me. Actually fucking kidnapped me and here I am fucking dreaming about touching him. Maybe I really am going crazy.

"Oh nothing. I was just talking to myself.." I manage to slur out somehow well mentally cursing myself for my stupid answer.

"Oh okay that makes sense." He replies cool as ever not knowing I was talking about him the whole time. Thinking about touching him and running my hands through his curly hair. Fuck! I've got to stop thinking this damn shit if I'm ever going to get out of this place. I've read about captors falling in love with their kidnappers but I never thought it really happened. Love? What did I say falling in love. No. That's not what this is. This is just some stupid crush. I'm high or something. Fuck I need to go back to sleep. Instantly the idea of sleep takes over and I lay back down on my "bed" wanting nothing more than to fall asleep and never wake up. But if you didn't wake up you would never see Chase again. The word long and drawn put. Girly giggles fill my thoughts and I'm instantly pulled under into the world where Chase didn't kidnap me but fell in love with me instead. That world so far off and lovely threatening to pull me under.

"Goodnight." I whisper to a crazy wide eyed boy before slipping off into my dreams well Chase yells at me not to sleep. Just go to sleep Allison. Everything is better when you just go to sleep.

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