chapter 8

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"Chase I don't want to go to my house." I whisper as we enter his car.
"Oh. Where do you want to go?"
"Can we go to your house?"
"Um. Ar-are you sure?" He stutters
"Yeah. Please. You've seen my house."
"Okay" he says, his eyes fogging over.


Chases pov :

How can I get out of this? She can't come to my house. All the evidence is plain as day. She'll know, and I'm not ready for her to know yet. She seems like the one. Up until this point I was sure I wouldn't have to do it again. All I want is someone to love. Someone perfect. Pulling up to my house I park in the drive way and lean over to Allison planting a quick peck on her nose.

"Stay here beautiful I'll be right out to get you."
"Why do I have to stay her" she asks in a small delightful voice
"I just have some cleaning up I have to do." I say trying not to give myself away. "I'll be right back I promise." Pushing open the door I look back at her gorgeous face and head inside. As soon as the door is closed behind me I start to panic. The basement. Everything needs to go into the basement. Grabbing everything I can I rush to the basement stack it into the corner and head back upstairs to lock the door.


"Well this is it" I say leading her into the living room. "My house"
"This is nice" she squeaks. Her voice makes me want to lean in and kiss her but I decide not to.
"Thanks" I say my voice slowly getting husky.
"Are you okay?" She asks her head tilting a little to the right.
"Yeah I'm fine" walking to the kitchen I grab a water bottle from the fridge.
"So where's your room?" She asks filling my mind with terrible ideas.
"This way" I respond leading the way.
As soon as we get to the room she plops down on my bed. Taking off her shoes she places them neatly on the floor and pats the mattress beside her. I follow her lead and take my shoes off putting them beside hers.

"What do u want to do?" She asks
"I have some ideas." I say breathless. She's definitely the one but I think that everytime. Leaning towards her I lightly push against her chest with mine until her back has connected firmly with my mattress with my body on top of hers. Her eyes go wide staring into mine but she doesn't stop me. Kissing her cheek I move to her neck and keep kissing my way down to the top of her shirt. "Oh Allison. Your body is amazing" I groan out before moving up to her mouth. I want to be her first.

"Have you ever done this?" I ask fully expecting her to say no.
"Only once." She whispers into my hair.
"What!" I almost yell pushing myself off her small body. How could she. She's mine. She's only supposted to love me. "You've had sex already"
"Yeah. Haven't you?" She says back.
"Well. Of course I have. But you're supposted to be pure. Perfect and untouched. I wanted to be your first. Your only." I shout at her. Her eyes start to water and my anger slowly deflates.
"Oh baby" I whisper "I'm sorry. You're perfect" kissing her tears away I start again trying to forget about the idea that someone else has done this to her before.

Allison's pov :

There's something weird with Chase tonight. He's acting.. strange. Like a crazy person. If only he knew the only other person I've had sex with was a rapist. Pushing the thought away I focus on the boy in front of me. The otherwise perfect boy who I think I'm starting to fall for. Hard. He's so good to me. I don't think he would ever do anything to hurt me. Sliding my hand down his chest I reach the hem of his shirt and slowly slide it up and off his frame. His chest is lovely. A small blush reaches his face and I realize he's embarrassed. How could he be embarrassed in himself he's gorgeous.

"Are you sure?" He groans clearly holding himself back.
"Yes." I say sure this is what I want.
His eyes light up and he moves more onto me letting me feel him against me. Not being able to wait any longer I pull off my own shirt and let him do the rest.


After my time with Chase and a great nap I decide I want to know more about him. Looking around his room I take everything in before I see his camera sitting on his desk. Growing curious I assume he won't mind and turn it on looking at the old pictures. They seem normal at first. Trees, beaches, sunsets, but soon they turn into a girl. First a picture at the exact location he took a picture of me. Then a picture of her hair blowing in the wind. She looks familiar but I can't seem to place it. The last picture is a close up of her tied to a chair. It can't be her. She's dead. Why would he have a picture of her? Hearing him in the hall I walk out to him.

"Who is this?" I question.
"What the fuck. Did I say you could look at that." He growls coming at me with a instant look of pure fury. His hands wrap around my neck and from shock I drop the camera shattering the lens.

"Fuck!" He screams. I feel my body flying before my face hits the wall my nose cracking.
"Chase." I whimper.
"Shut up you stupid slut!" He yells at me bringing tears to my eye. Only one person has ever called me that. Once again his hands wrap around my throat but this time he lifts my head and slams it into the floor. My vision blurs and suddenly I can't see or hear anything.

The camera manWhere stories live. Discover now