letter six.

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Dear Ed,

I know I told you a few letters ago that I would try my hardest to stay strong, and I had promised you that I would. Mostly, because my mother was in need. Now, I am here to tell you that circumstances have changed and I write this to you with all the pain within me. I'm here to say that... I'm breaking that promise. Who even keeps promises these days anyways? They seem to have no worth. It's just a word, right? It takes a second to say and a millisecond to break.

I'm sorry, but I'm breaking the promise for my mother decided to come to your side. She decided to leave me half way too. It may not be her fault because the sickness took over her. It wasn't your fault either when your life spun out of this world. Though, in my mothers case, the cancer traveled through every vein in her body until it left nothing of her behind. The world cut off yet another person that had the strings to my heart.

Please come to me. Please be at my side as I drown in my own body. If you don't come, I will end up coming to you. I've lost someone again. I just have nothing left in this world, Ed. Why won't anyone see that?

I at least need someone to hold onto and to scream to for my world is falling apart. No one is willing to pull me out. Is it much to ask for a comforting shoulder to cry on-to push away all my suffering. I'll keep pushing this ship as far as it'll go because I'm missing my anchor. You, Ed, were my anchor, so you were what held this crumbling ship in place as it distanced itself away from the world-as I am doing now. This ship is going to just cut again in hopes that it will finally sink and let go off the pain.

I have nothing left on this ship because it circles the same painful waters.

I just have nothing.

Always waiting; Destiny

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