Chapter 2

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-Taehyungs POV-

I groaned rolling onto my side,or at least thats what I was trying to do, I fell off my bed with a loud thud!

"Ow..." I whimpered sitting up. Even though I didnt have school, I still had to get ready because I promised my dad id help him in the café.

I did my daily morning routine and came down stairs all ready.

"Good morning son." My dad placed half burned breakfast on the table. I smiled sadly.

Its been almost 2 years since my mom passed away so my dad did he best on teaching himself how to cook. Even thought it was burned I ate the whole plate.

"Thank you appa." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled apologetically and grabbed his keys. "Lets go."


We got to work on placing pastries on the rack and cleaning the café before opening it. Not going to lie, we were getting popular so things got pretty hectic. Especially on weekends.

"Tae! I need you to bring this to table 5!" I nodded bringing the tray to the table before running back to take new orders.

I got really tired by 6pm when things started dying down. "Geaz what a day.." I said to myself.

"Tae you can go home or hang with friends if youd like. Thank you for helping me today " I smiled at him.

"Okay if you need anything let me know." He gave me a hug and ruffled my hair smiling. "Sure."

I hung up my apron. "Bye appa!" I turned to walk out the door only to run into someone.

I bowed almost immediately. "S-sorry I wasnt paying attention."

I heard a fimilar laugh and my heart stopped. Oh no.. I looked up to see Jungkook smiling at me. "Well look who it is. I didnt know you worked here."

I stood up blushing. "I uh..I actually dont I just helped my dad out today." He smiled. "Oh I see. Well it doesnt look like youre busy, may I steal you for the rest of the day?" He asked.

I nodded shyly and followed him out the door. "Where we going?" I asked softly. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "To my house."

I stopped. "Oh no you dont. If theres anyones house we will be going to its mine." I walked away and he laughed but followed anyway.

What was he thinking of doing that perv. I thought hiding my blushing face.

I opened the door with my keys and walked us in. "Cozy home. Its better than mine actually."

I looked at him curiously. "Why?" He shrugged. "My parents are away most days so the house seems cold in a way."

"Oh.." I said sadly. I dont want to know whats its like to not have parents around..1 is already enough for me.

He interrupted my thoughts. "Hey dont worry bout it. Lets do something. Uhh you got overwatch?" I grinned. "Hell yes I do."

We didn't have to say anything, we already know it was going to be competition.

-Time skip-

"Oh come on!!" I yelled falling back onto my bed hearing Jungkook laugh in victory.

I rolled my eyes trying to hide my smile. "Shut up. You cheated" I said.

"Oh did I now?" I felt him jump on the bed and tickled me. I squirmed under him laughing uncontrollably.

"N-no-o st-stahh-op!!" I had tears in my eyes from laughing and he finally stopped.

"Okay" He showed his bunny smile again and I blushed panting hard and pushed him off me. Why is he so cute all of a sudden.

He sat up on my legs and looked at me. "So Tae." I looked up at him. "Yes?"

"Do you still believe you are top?" He snickered and I turned red. That little shit!

I tried pulling him off but he pinned my wrists down above my head leaving me helpless. Fuck..I glared at him.

"Little shit let me go." My heart was beating like crazy when we got closer to my face. "I dont think you want me to. Your body is saying the complete opposite."

Before I could say something he rolled his hip gently against mine and I moaned out in pleasure when he grinded on my erection.

Sh-shit..what is he doing to me. I bit my lip embarrassed.

"You are so hot Tae. You make me crazy." He leaned in to kiss me and I melted immediately.

I moaned into the kiss. It was so gentle and loving I was almost shocked. How can the schools badboy be so gentle?

His kisses got rougher and my breathing hitched when his body pressed closer against mine.

Oh my god! Oh my god! I was so nervous but I couldnt take it anymore, I need more..I needed him.

I tried to pull my hands up to touch him but whimpered when he didnt let me go. He smiled against my lips. "Do you give up?"

I nodded panting. "Let me touch you." I said almost too needy. He chuckled and let me go.

I pulled him closer making out with him as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He moaned at mt sudden action and it made moan in response.

Shit he sounds ridiculously hot! I thought as I pulled off his shirt revealing his delicious body.

A gentle badboy, sexy body, irresistible moans, bunny smile and beautiful laughs. Can this boy get anymore perfect!?

He smiled noticing I was staring. "Like what you see?" He asked and I nodded blushing badly.

"Well now its my turn to open my present." He whispered as he pulled off my shirt. I was about to cover my chest but he held my arms away.

"You are truly beautiful." He said. I bit my lip looking away. "I-if you say so."

He lifted my chin. "Baby boy. Can I take you?" I let out a soft moan at the pet name he called me.


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