20. The Pack

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Third Person POV

It was an interesting few days of recovery. Apparently, they were very happy his memories were intact. He hadn't realised why until he met Jane, who had forgotten everything after her first transformation. She had helped him get a clear picture of what life in the pack would look like. It actually sounded fairly nice. He had come to accept being a werewolf better then one would think.

In a very strange way, it was refreshing. Like it solidified the exact fresh start he had been working for. Perhaps it would be different if he was a wizard type werewolf, and would never have true control of himself whenever he turned, or even any control on the turning itself. But from what Jane told him, he could get total control relatively quickly with some practice and training. Jane was usually with Jay whenever she visited, so he quickly picked up on the fact that the two were dating.

He and Jay had started off a little akward, as they were unsure of what to talk about, but the guy was cool, and Hunter believed he was trustworthy.

Then there was Astra, who was fast becoming a close friend. She told him that, if he wanted, he could probably still use magic via wand.

"Even if you're never going back," she had said, "theres no reason you shouldn't use all available assets. A Warlock could probably make you a wand."

He had said he would think about it, and he would, but it seemed unimportant for right now. By the end of the week, he was back on his feet and ready to go meet the pack. 'Werewolf healing!' Jane had told him. 'One of the few perks.'

She left with him, bringing him to a large house that the whole pack shared. It was really big, but with the entire pack contributing to rent, easily affordable. There was enough room for everyone, too.

"Why are you frowning?" Jane asked after they pulled up.

"When you said the whole pack contributes to rent, does that mean... I need to get a job?"

He did not appreciate the laughter that followed.


When Amelia came back after spending a few days at Ricardo's with Aunt Katy, Astra's heart melted at her first action. As soon as Amelia saw her, she cried out "Mama!", and ran to Astra as she called back "Hey there pumpkin!", and she scooped up her daughter (who was already jumping into her arms), spinning her around in the air. After coming to a stop, she had a small conversation with her Aunt and Uncle about how Amelia was.

"She wasn't any trouble?"

"A few things here and there, but nothing she doesn't do here. She had some trouble sleeping." Astra raised her eyebrow.

"Really? Because I thought she only had trouble sleeping when Ricardo gives her caffeine." After she spoke, glaring slightly at her uncle, he seemed to find the floor very fascinating suddenly.

"Well, I should go!" He said.

"Hey, don't you da-" before Astra could finish, he took off with vampire speed.



There was one thing Hunter quickly learned after stepping into the house.

If your the new guy, always be ready to duck.

Hunter walked into the house, and immediately had to hit the deck to dodge an empty plastic water bottle. Jane (who was behind him) instinctively caught said water bottle, and looked at him with surprise. Hunter heard a round of laughter and looked up to see the pack. They were all looking at him, not maliciously, but they were most defiantly sizing him up.

"The new guy has good instincts. This is gonna be so fun!" One if the guys said. He was shorter, only 5'3, and he looked young, only fifteen or sixteen. His hair was a sort of bronze-brown colour, with green eyes and freckles on his face, which seemed to still have some baby fat on it. He was grinning at Hunter, like he was a puzzle the guy was looking forward to solving.

Hunter looked at Jane.

"You're the new guy. So, now we all need to find ways to prank you, embarrass you and outsmart you." She explained.

"And it looks like we have a challenge!" Said another guy. This one was blonde with brown eyes, but unlike the other one, this guy was freakishly tall, at least 6'3. Aside from the hight, he was fairly average in his appearance. "When Jane first came, we got her in the face easy."

"Shut up, Derek!" She snapped at the tall guy.

"Hang on," Hunter cut in, "so while I'm the new guy, I am a target at all times. When do I stop being the new guy?" He would not be embarrassed or anything if there was another option. If there was an out, he was determined to take it.

"Depends," Freckles explained to him. "Either after you've been here a year," too long from now, "after another person joins the pack," too unpredictable to wait for, I can't count on that, "or after you can do to all of us what we're trying to do to you." Bingo.

They all looked at him, seemingly trying to figure out what option he would go for.

They were right.

This was going to be fun.

Hope you all enjoyed! <3

See you later!

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