12. Astra

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Third Person POV

"Sister or brother?" Jackson asked Draco, his eyebrows raised incredulously.

In retrospect, it was rather difficult to believe. Draco Malfoy had a sister? The Malfoy's had another kid? More than that, one that they had literally thrown away? Who does that? They were to lazy to even drop the kid off at a orphanage!

Draco just frowned and shook his head. "They didn't really say. To be honest, I was so creeped out I sort of got out of there as fast as possible, but I might have an idea." Draco winced a bit as he spoke, evidently still creeped out. Jackson decided to find out a bit more about the events themselves, and circle back to the 'sister or brother' thing later. Evelyn came up to them, asking if either of them had seen Hunter. Apparently, he hadn't been waiting for her when she left the court room. When they both shrugged she sighed, muttering a 'dammit' under her breath as she walked away. Jackson turned back to Draco.

"Do you know why they did it? Did they say anything about why?" Draco shook his head, but he was still frowning. Jackson took the hint.

"OK, so what do you know that they didn't tell you?"

"Well..." Draco shook his head. "I didn't think about it until after I left the room, but a lot of times when I was really young, before my accidental magic started up, they would whisper about how I 'better not be like her.' They would talk about this girl, how no one could ever know what happened to her..." Draco's voice got shaky towards the end as the reality of what his parents had done fully sunk into him. His eyes lowered to the floor, pain and regret in them, even though none of what had happened was his fault. He gasped in a jerky breath.

"Draco," Jackson's voice was softer now, sympathetic. "Did you ever hear a name? Or anything that could tell us about the reason?"

Draco nodded tiredly. "Her name was Astra. Apparently, she was a squib..." He squeezed his eyes shut. "I have a sister. And her name is Astra."


When people looked at Ace, they never asked if her hair was dyed black. They never thought it was. They complimented the purple streaks in her hair, saying they suited her, but because she had gotten her eyebrows dyed black with her hair, no one knew that it was originally blonde.

Ace took a lot of crap for how muscular she was. Yeah, everyone loved the look of a fit girl, but apparently, Ace was too fit for a girl. Apparently, she was supposed to be soft and delicate, but due to what she did for a living, she preferred to remain in shape, with biceps and abs and all. Though admittedly, it didn't hurt in some if her missions to look disireable, but in that case, Ace would just wear a long sleeve jacket, and it would do the trick. If not, her and Jay would probably just ask Jane to help them out.

Unlike the rest of her, Ace's face was soft and delicate, it was heart shaped and endearing. Maybe it was a strange combination, but she knew how to make it work when she had to. She knew how to apply make-up just right for that neccesity, and it started with the eyeliner to make her blue-grey eyes piercing. She was fairly average height, 5'6, and though the mission had not called for it, she had felt like wearing make-up today. She had on a tight flattering red tank top with a sweetheart neckline that had a ruffled-type style, dark grey skinny jeans with knee-high leather boots, and a leather jacket that ended parrallele to the bottom of her ribcage with silver zippers and pockets over her breasts, the jacket left unzipped. Her weapons belt was strapped to her hip, with a sereph blade on either side and her steel in it. Of course, Ace had small knifes hidden everywhere, as well as a back-up stele. Always prepared for anything.

It was a simple mission, really. That was why she had decided to go by herself. That was also why she was so shocked as she felt a sword run through her.

Ace had managed to do her job anyway, killing her enemy despite the deep wound. But only when in the aftermath did she realise the alley she was in was right by Kings Cross station.

That was when she did something she never wanted to do. Dying, and unable to get help any closer, she took her best chance at surviving, unable to think of the consequences in her blood-loss...


It had been quite some time since the discovery of Draco Malfoy's long lost sister, and the ministry could no longer search for her. She had disappeared to completely, and far too long ago. The school year at Hogwarts had begun again, several people retaking last year. Amount them was Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Draco Malfoy. People who had been here had the option to retake the last year anyways, due to the warped criteria last year had abided by for classes.

Hunter had not been moved to St. Mungos, but remained in Poppy's care because of their history together. As a matter of fact, Poppy was in the hospital ward with him right now. They were having a relatively normal conversation when the doors suddenly burst open. Oh for heavens sake! Poppy thought, thinking it was some students trying to be disruptive. She turned around, ready to scold them, "you cannot just- oh!" She gasped, eyes widening with shock and horror at the site before her.

"What happened?"

Oh dear... what did Poppy see?
Sorry, I can't tell you yet, but I'm almost done the next chapter, so you don't need to wait that long. Hope you all enjoyed that lady chapter!

Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day my lovely readers! I love you all, and wish you the best of luck! Bye <3

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