Ranking Up (Part One)

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Hey, Hi, Hello.

FIRST THINGS FIRST- Unless specifically stated, any of the mini-stories, oneshots, drabbles or songfics featured within this story do NOT tie in with the actual story 'The Memory Keeper'. This means that they are sort of like stand-alones. For example-this specific piece isn't what's going to happen in the story. This is simply an idea I entertained.

Now that that has been said, please enjoy this(: It's just something I considered in regards as to how Kimi-chan would advance through the ranks. Please comment and vote too. The time progression is done as Kimi ages. This is just part one. This was getting long, so I cut it off~

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto-san does.

WARNING:  Cussing. 

And begin~ 


-Age: Twelve to thirteen.

-Rank: Genin/Chunin

   When I was twelve years old I went through the chunin exams. I passed the test, the first phase, with all correct answers, thanks to my perfect memory, and I managed to scrape by in the Forest of Death during the second phase due to a special little summoning scroll. That special summoning scroll summoned two of my older and much more skilled brothers, who consequently managed to save my ass and give me the means to pass the rest of the exam. The preliminary rounds that were held had uneven number of participants, so someone had to go twice. I fought the person who went twice. They had already passed, so when I beat them I felt a little bit guilty for obliterating their chances. That guilt quickly left me.

   Due to my brutal method of winning my preliminary round, I was given the rank of 'chunin'. I didn't actually pass the secondary round (I was disqualified), but apparently that wasn't a necessary thing. I remained a simple chunin, completing missions with my original team. A few months later, when Naruto left Konoha to train with Jiraiya, I was still a chunin. At this point, I didn't really train with any of my former team. Naruto was with Jiraiya, and Kakashi-sensei had long since shut me out. Kakashi-sensei treated me as a lost case and trained Sasuke. I was essentially ignored by both Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei after Naruto left, so I was lucky my brothers were there to pick up where they left off.

   As a chunin, I worked with the Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force. I was exceedingly skilled at this job, because of my ability to read others, delve into their minds and torture them if neccessary. It didn't always come down to that, though. After working for them for four months, I told my boss Ibiki that I planned on attempting to gain the position of jonin, and eventually ANBU. He told me that I was always welcome to come back and be a part of the Torture and Interrogation Force. I thanked him for that- it made me feel happy that I would be welcome.


-Age: Thirteen

-Rank: Chunin/ Jonin/ ANBU

   Two months after my thirteenth birthday, and five months after Naruto's departure, I applied to take the test to become a jonin. I had been crucially and heavily trained by my brothers, in all areas of the skills of ninja. My ninjutsu had improved greatly as well as my genjutsu, and my taijutsu skills were refined. My strength, stamina and speed increased as well.

   I passed the test with high scores. Tsunade-sama congratulated me (she seemed to have a soft spot for Naruto, Sasuke and I) and gave me a week off work. After the week passed, which I spent training, I showed up in the jonin lounge at the Hokage tower to receive my first mission (AN: IDK if it's an actual place, but I don't care. It's just a place for the jonins to rest and spend their breaks). The room was simple- It had a couple of couches, a TV, a bookshelf full of books, a mini-kitchen and a wooden table. There were a few jonin in there when I arrived. There was Kurenai-sensei, Asuma-sensei, and a few others. Most importantly, though, there was Kakashi-sensei.

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