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How are you?

I've not seen you 

in so long!

I see..

You are still as beautiful 

as you were before.

Your pale white face 

and your dark brown hair;

Oh! How badly I wanted to touch

you again!

And now you are finally

here with me!

I mean...I'm here with you.

Uh-ha ha, It's awkward I know.

But this conversation is not what I came here for.

First of all,

I shouldn't have ever let you go.

Now, I know it's not my fault.

I couldn't have done anything.

I couldn't have stopped you from leaving.

Yet I have millions of regrets.

Millions of 'I should've done that.'

Like the night before your death.

That night, I shouldn't have 

ignored your presence on my bed.

I should've hugged you

and wished you goodnight instead.

I should've held you tight in my arms

promising that everything will be alright,

as I knew you were stressed and depressed

for something I don't know.

In that something, I should've been involved.

You know?

Everyone cried when you left.

I did too. 

I cried like a maniac.

I don't want to cry again for you.

So don't leave me ever again.

Now that we are finally together.

I just want you to stay with me;

and I will promise us a forever."

With that said, I hugged her.

She smiled. As always.


She looked really beautiful.

Her beauty had a different charm at that moment.

She hugged me tight.

Of course I had to cry.

She whispered to me,

"I am never going back.

I am with you forever now.

Stop crying."

I knew she was lying.

"I love you." I cried.

"I loved you too." She replied.

I woke up to lose my serenity.

I woke up to lose her forever again.

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