Chapter Two

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A/N: Hey guys, I uploaded a new chapater sorry I was at my cabin all weekend and I didn't have internet service :( Oh well its up now. Theres some action (wink, wink) in this chapter and some swearing so consider yourself warned! Enjoy remember comment, fan, vote Please tell you friends about Spencer's Memories! ps. sorry this ones short I was feeling like a drama queen and I wanted to finish the chapter with a cliff hanger MUAWHAHA but hopefully the next chapter will be up today too:) PPS. Colbie Caillat kind of fit what my idea of Spencer looking like was but if you imagine her differently no problem... REMEMBER TO COMMENT, VOTE, AND FAN ;)

When I regained consciousness I heard the sharp beeping of a machine, like the kind they have at hospitals, and I smelled the metallic tangs of blood and bleach. The sharp heat of an artificial light beat down on my closed eyelids. I knew that the light shining onto my eyes should have made my sight red from the light but all I could see was black, the same as before. I heard the sound of fabric rustling as someone pricked me on the inside of my elbow. I flinched and someone lay their hand on mine, and the all too familiar and at the same time brand new heat shot up my arm. Now with my senses unhindered I felt the zings of electricity run their way through my hand. They were…pleasant.

“Please wake up, for me?” The familiar voice hitched at the end, sounding raw and emotional. Who was this? I thought it was the same man as before but I couldn’t imagine why he would be emotional. This person sitting with me, holding my hand, crying with me, was a total and complete stranger. I had never encountered something like this, that I could remember. As I was thinking this I felt something block out part of the heat above me and before I could wonder at what was happening I felt pressure on my lips. It was all at once one hundred times more intense than the heat and electricity when our hands met. My breathing hitched and I heard the beeping of the hospital machine accelerate as my heart sped up. I felt the lips covering mine widen into a smile and heat sped through my body, Of their own accord my lips opened in a sigh. As I felt the other person deepen the kiss, my eyes broke free of the hold on them, shooting open to reveal a, may I add very fit, boys face against mine. I could only see the side of his face because we were still kissing but it was enough to see his long lashed eyes closed and his long chocolate coloured hair swooping down to meet his eyebrow was pushed to one side. His nose, nested against mine, prevented me from seeing any more of his face.  I broke away from him, gasping and I put my hands on his chest, pushing him away from me. His eyes opened, shocked and I saw that they matched his face, as silly as it sounds. They were an intense gray-blue and as they met mine I felt something. Cheesy? I know I was annoyed that I had allowed my life to turn into a Disney movie and I had only woken up seconds before.

"Where am I?" I said confused. "And who the fuck gave you permission to kiss me?"

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