My Hotel Suite

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I locked my car, grabbing my luggage with my hands. The screams began to die down and I saw all the girls began to leave. I tapped a younger girl, probably 14, on the shoulder and asked

"Why is everyone one leaving?" Her face dropped and she pointed to a taller buff man with a mega phone.

"The guard said we all have to leave and just wait at the meet and greet tomorrow" I nodded my head and began to walk inside.

I didn't make it that far because I was stopped by the guard. I looked up at him and had an idea.

"Everyone has to wait for tomorrow, I've said it already!" He said.

"I'm staying here. Let me though now." I used one of my powers, control of others, to get through.

"Yes, ma'm" he said passing by me. I walked in and straight to the desk.

"Hi, do you have a room booked?" A mid aged man asked.

"Yes I have a top floor suite under the name of Valden," I say kindly.

"Ah yes, your room is on the 17th floor. Number 478," he said with a smile. He handed me a white key card for my room and I headed off.

Although I'm a vampire, I like to stay fit. So I picked up my bags, and headed to the stairs. I had a long way up and god only knows how long that would take me to walk. I lifted my bags a little higher and ran up.

Finally I reached the 17th floor, in only about 4 minutes. I smiled and pushed through the metal door leading to the halls. I wasn't even out of breath yet, wow. This floor didn't have many levels due to all the suites being huge. And when I say huge I mean HUGE! I opened my door to my suite and I was astonished.

It had two rooms with king beds, a living room, a full kitchen, and an amazing bathroom with a shower and bathtub. I threw my suit cases into a room and jumped on the plush bed. I wonder what it's like to sleep. Being a vampire I've never slept a day in my life.

Usually I stay up on my phone, go hunting, or just go for a little flight.
Flight? Yes, we can fly. I can fly with or without my wings, depending on if I want to. Sometimes I day dream, just to try and imagine being human.

Don't get me wrong I love being a vampire, but I also just wonder. With my thoughts running wild, I eventually lose track of time. Realizing what today is, I get up. Today is the day! Today is it!

I meet the Magcon boys today!

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