The Bodyguard

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"WHAT?! As a measly guard?!"

you stood up while slamming the table.

"Yes Y/N, as a guard." the general replied in a calm manner.

"But I am a special force officer, so why?"

"It is because you're a special force officer, no one else is better suited for the job Y/N. Besides, you need a break from your usual work. Don't worry, you'll be treated well as a personal guard for a Korean girl group called BlackPink."

"I don't care if it's a girl group or not, I didn't work this hard and put through all this just to be a guard!"

Just before your general spoke, you had headed towards the door with thoughts running through your mind.
The sweat, blood and pain all for a simple job as a guard. Nothing was worst than that, and most defiantly insulting for someone at your caliber.

As you opened the door you saw a pretty girl, not so much shorter than you, jump from the sudden movement of the door.

"h-hi" she said nervously.

"Oh, sorry."

"It's o—" before she could finished, you had already headed towards the exit of the building.

"—Kay...." she finished her sentence in confusion.

The girl was confused as to why you were mad, but as seconds pass she couldn't seem to grasp it. Suddenly the General spoke up when he saw the girl standing by the doorway.

"Come in Jennie." the general waved her in.

"Don't mind him, what brings you here at this time of day?"

"Can't I see my own Uncle Kwang?" Jennie teased.

"HAHA, you know your father and i have been friends since primary school. How has he been?"

"He's been fine actually, though I do want to visit him once and awhile. But forget that, when will we get to see our new personal bodyguard?" Jennie's tone was excited as if she was a puppy.

"He hasn't decided yet on weather he is willing to be one or not yet."

The General's answer seemed to confuse Jennie. Jennie Kim couldn't figure out why he wouldn't want to be a personal bodyguard of BlackPink. A group that is already famous in Korea and is still continuing to grow more popular all around the world by YG Entertainment.

Moments later...

As you walked along the street, you couldn't seem to get yourself to accept the job of a guard to some group called BlackPink. As a matter of fact, you didn't even know who BlackPink even was. Thoughts ran though your brain like if it was a bullet train that you will never catch and process. As time went on, you began to get more concentrated on your trance of thought that you didn't seem to see where you were going. It wasn't long until you ran into three girls causing them to drop most of their shopping bags and drinks. Two of them even spilled their drink on themselves.

"Oh, i'm terribly sorry ma'am!" you quickly apologized as you help pick up their belongings

"Watch where your going next time, what are you blind or are you a kid who needs his mom to guide him? She probably haven't even taught you some manners either huh?" One of the girl with purple hair started to scream.

You couldn't take it, not when someone starts to talk about your family like that. Enraged and furious you started to yell back causing a commotion.

"What did you say?! Listen here, i had already apologized and don't you dare talk about my family like you know them. I am not in the mood today to be arguing with a brat like you so would please be kind and move along with life?"

Before the purple-haired girl could respond back one of her friend decided to try and break up the tension

"Stop it Jisoo, he already apologized. It's okay now."

She was slim and based off her voice you could tell she had a bit of an Australian accent.

"Yeah, Rosé is right. Let's just head back to the house and not bring anymore attention to ourselves. We can't have rumors and stuff on the news now would you?" the third friend with orange hair joined in

You simply couldn't handle it anymore. Instead of standing and continue the pointless conversation you decided to take matters into your own hand and leave the area.

"Wow, what a day? First i was insulted by my own General and now i got yelled at by three hooligans. Whatever, i'ma just go get something to drink before i head home and go to sleep." you thought to yourself.

Few days later...

It was high noon at a bakery; and after having a serious discussion with yourself, you decided to become a personal bodyguard. I mean, it shouldn't be hard and maybe it might be fun as you get to meet new people. Once you had finish your coffee, you hopped into your car and headed to the General's office.

Knock knock

A familiar voice came from the other side of the door

"Come on in now"

As you opened the door, you can see the General sitting there in his chair staring at you with eyes wide open in awe.

"Is there a ghost behind me General Kwang?" You asked in confusion

"O-oh no, not at all. It's just i didn't think you'd come to see me. Come have a seat" the General managed to reply snapping out of his awestruck glare.

"What is it you came to talk to be about there Y/N?"

"Well, I thought to myself long and hard and decided to take the job as a personal bodyguard." You explained.

"Oh, that is just wonderful. You'll do a might fine job Y/N, i just know it."

Sudden the door slammed open and a loud, obnoxious but familiar voice came from that direction.

"It can't be who I think it is right?" You began to sweat in fear.

"Hey Mr. Kwang!!!!"

Sorry guys, might be a bit boring but I had to start it off somehow. Don't worry it'll get more entertaining later on. Hopefully 😅😅

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