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"Hey, Jisoo are you alright?" A strange yet familiar voice came from the direction of the door as a pair of hands are placed on Jisoo's shoulders.

Jisoo opens her eyes to see that figure. As her vision start to focus she could she that it was General Kwang. Seeing him she then release a sigh is relief.

"Are you ok?" He asked again

"Yes I am fine, you should scare me like that." Jisoo exclaimed

"Sorry, I was passing and was thinking about dropping by to say hi." He then explained

Jisoo was just holding her chest cause she was so frightened and just wanted to forget about everything.

"Are the others asleep?" He asked

"Yes they are actually. I am the only one up." Jisoo replies

"Oh? Then how come your up so late?" He was now curious

Knowing General Kwang he woukd interrogate and investigate a person until he finds out what he wants to know. Jisoo was now sweating and didn't want to tell him about Y/N or the message. Especially since the message said it to tell anyone or else Lisa and the others will get hurt.

"N-nothing really. I just couldn't sleep." She lied.

"As you sure? You looked kinda panicked. Is there something you want to tell me? Or must i ask Y/N myself?" He was now teasing.

"Huh? No no please." Jisoo was pleading, wishing that he would go away so she could fine you.

"Hahaha. I knew you'd fall in love with Y/N, he needs someone to love. He may not look like it but he's been through a lot. Please be there for him okay?" The General was now getting soft and sentimental when it came to you.

"What has he been through?" Jisoo was curious to know.

"Can't say actually, he would kill me if I told you."

Now Jisoo was even more curious. Dying to figure out what had happen in your life.

"Well, I'll be on my way. Tell the others I came by to say hi for me will you? Thanks so much" then off the General went.

Jisoo closed the door and headed back to your bed. She just lied there wondering what she could do to warn you about the dangers ahead.

"Maybe I'll tell him when he comes home tomorrow." Jisoo thought to herself before dozing off to a deep slumber.

The next morning...

Jisoo slowly opened her eyes due to the sunlight hitting her sweet face. She pushed her self up and started to look around. You weren't there, so Jisoo headed to the living room thinking you'd sleep on the couch since she had taken your bed. The same thing, you weren't there. Then Jennie walked into the room yawning as she scratched her head.

"Jennie, where is Y/N? He didn't come home." Jisoo asked.

"Well... today is his day off." Jennie replied

Jisoo's eyes where wide. She quickly ran to brush her teeth and headed out the door. Trying to look for you. Jennie was curious as to what is going on. Ever since the incident, Jisoo had been acting weird.

"How am I going to find him now? Where in the world could he be?" Jisoo was thinking to herself as she ran.

Jisoo ran into the mall, then ran along the streets and through the park. But you were nowhere to be found. Then Jisoo received a text from Lisa.

'Hey Jisoo-unnie. Jennie, Rosé and I are going to sleep over at Twice's dorms. Do you wanna come?'

'No thanks I have some stuff I have to take care of'


"Good" Jisoo whispers to herself.

If they are gone then they won't be attack back at the house. Now Jisoo only needed to focus on finding you. Before she continued she looked down at her phone to check the time.

"Oh my gosh!! 5 until it's 9 o'clock?! I only have 3 hours left before something happens."

Jisoo spend the last 3 hours looking for you before heading home in defeat. As she was walking home she can see that the house had the lights on and you by the window. She quickly ran into the house screaming your name.

"Y/N!! Please you've got to listen to me. Better yet just follow me" Jisoo was rushing to speak so it didn't make sense to you as she grabbed your wrist.

"What's going on?" You asked

"Just come with me" Jisoo was now trying her best to pull you towards the back of the house to get out.

"No I am not going to go until you tell me what's going on." You demanded.

"WE'RE GOING TO DIE IF YOU DONT COME WITH ME!" She was now screaming and was about to cry.

"What do you mean? Look, I'm sorry if I have been rude to you and I'm really sorry—" you got interrupted

"No, I read a message last night. And he said he knew where we live and about us. He said he was going to make you remember something and I feel like it's something bad." Jisoo explained

You then realized that she was serious and quickly thought of the call during her time at the park. Then you nodded and took her towards the front of the house. Just to be stopped by Jisoo.

"No, we can't leave through the front." Jisoo said.

"Why not?" You questioned.

"Cause it's the easiest route for an invade and to quickly get out." She explained again.

Then you nodded and followed Jisoo's lead towards the back of the house. Once Jisoo opened the door the both of you ran out. A pair of spot light was shown into the both of your faces. Then you heard claps.

"Hahaha I didn't think this was going to be that easy." A familiar voice came in he direction of the lights.

It was blinding but you can still make out a figure. He was about 168 cm talk and had a scar on his left eye.

"Well, let me introduce you to myself since you probably don't remember. I am Park Gun Ho, the one that sent you those messages and the one who killed Park Ana. I was planning to have you come to use by your own will but you seemed to have had some other plans. So I decided to kidnap the girl and have you come by force. Luckily I didn't have to do anything but wait here. As a matter of fact she brought you to me herself. Hahaha. Well, take him with us." Gun Ho motioned his underlings to take you with them.

You slowly looked at Jisoo with confusion and rage. Jisoo turned to you with worried eyes and was confused as well. She had thought she made the right choice but it was wrong. The underlings came and started to separate you from Jisoo. You didn't fight back cause they were big and based in the aura around here, there are a lot more people lying in wait. You started to get escorted by the underling, but before you walked off you turned back to Jisoo.

"You betrayed me Jisoo, you betrayed me once more."

Jisoo didn't know what to do anymore, she had ruined your life and is now being taken away by a group of unknown people. The other underling grabbed Jisoo and shouted towards Gun Ho.

"What do I do with her?"

"Knocked her out and put her back in the house. Make sure you give her the drug so she won't remember any of this." He ordered.

The underling nodded and then attempted to knock Jisoo out. Jisoo had just blacked out but she could still hear everything. She heard the noises started to become more faint and then she was completely knocked out.

Hee hee, a little something for the wait. Hope you guys enjoy. Oh, please tell me your opinions on the story so far. And tell me how has your week been.

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