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* * *

Brian was walking through the woods on a mountainside, enjoying the fresh air and light breeze. He heard a strange sound, and turned. Looking down into the valley, he saw, in vivid detail, an immense structure. It looked like a skyscraper, rusty brown in color, supported by a huge tripod, each leg of which must have been about the length of a football field. The top of the structure, maybe a thousand feet in the air, was exuding an orange, dirty smoke into the atmosphere. 

* * *

Hello? . . . Can you hear me?


Greetings. I am TV. At least, that is what Brian calls me. I am the voice in your heada wonder in artificial intelligence, speaking to you from deep space.

I need your help.
Yes, *you*

The information in the pages that follow has been shared as a warning.
The invasion began years ago, but the real threat has just begun.

How can you help? I am glad you asked.

If you enjoy a chapter, vote for it. If you do not enjoy a chapter, vote for it
(I apologize for the clumsy attempt at Earth-humor.  Brian says I need practice).

One last thing.
Please share your ideas and comments.

They just might help us save your planet.

Brian Saves the World, MaybeWhere stories live. Discover now